House of Assembly: Thursday, February 08, 2024


Public Works Committee: Nailsworth Primary School Redevelopment

Mr BROWN (Florey) (11:08): I move:

That the 43rd report of the committee, entitled Nailsworth Primary School Redevelopment, be noted.

Mr BROWN: Located on Balfour Street, Nailsworth, the Department for Education proposes to redevelop the aged and heritage-listed infrastructure at Nailsworth Primary School to provide new flexible and contemporary learning areas. The project will provide modern education accommodation, comply with legislative requirements and deliver on the department's benchmark accommodation for students in a primary school. Additionally, the redevelopment will provide learning areas to develop creativity and enhance student engagement.

The project will allow for collaborative teaching practices and will increase the total school enrolment capacity from 588 to 756 places, alleviating enrolment pressure the school has been facing over recent years. The capital cost is $5 million and it will be funded through the department's existing resources. Construction is expected to commence in March this year, with practical completion in March 2025. Key aims of the redevelopment include:

to refurbish existing infrastructure to provide additional flexible learning areas, supporting contemporary teaching and enhancing student engagement;

to improve street presence (particularly off Balfour Street) by creating a focal entrance, increasing the school's connectivity to the community; and

to demolish aged infrastructure.

The refurbishment of existing infrastructure includes work to two buildings, one of which is listed as a local heritage building. This heritage building was previously used as the Prospect Community Library and reinstated to the school in 2019, with the main objective of the project to improve the functionality of this building for school use.

Works on this building will ensure the existing heritage is retained and preserved, with remedial works being consistent with existing materials and form, and will be in line with local heritage guidelines. Internal spaces will be updated to maximise the opportunity for available space, whilst the existing elements of the building are retained. The interior refurbishment of the non-heritage building will incorporate new teaching walls, glazed partitions and contemporary finishes to suit the new functions of the building.

Project work revolves around reinvigorating, reimagining and repurposing the existing facilities on site to create more equitable learning environments across the school. The landscaping work will draw upon the unique heritage character by reinterpreting heritage materials and using local sandstone, bluestone and red bricks.

Project construction will follow four key stages, and staff and students will continue to occupy the site with the school remaining operational for the duration of the various staged works. All potential interruptions to school operations will be kept to a minimum, and further mitigated by programming these works during school holidays as well as out of hours and during weekend periods.

Three options were considered for the development of the project. They were: option 1, a 'do nothing' approach; option 2, build a completely new school; and option 3, redevelop and construct the new facilities on the Nailsworth Primary School site. Option 3 was determined as the most appropriate solution as it allowed for the redevelopment and construction of new and existing learning and educational facilities in line with the school's needs and contemporary requirements.

Sustainable development principles and environmental objectives were incorporated into the design and policies for this project. These include energy, water, materials, and waste initiatives to promote cost saving methods and minimise waste to reduce energy consumption and associated greenhouse gas emissions over the life cycle of the project.

Risk assessment has been undertaken, which determined there is a medium range of risk relating to construction, design and project cost. To address these risks, the proposed project team is experienced in the delivery of educational projects, and the Department for Infrastructure and Transport is providing risk management services from early project design through to construction.

The Department for Education is mindful of risks associated with the project, including refurbishment works being undertaken whilst staff and students are present, and maintaining access to classrooms. The department will ensure there will be a dedicated school access to the first floor classrooms in the location where refurbishment is occurring, with a separate access for contractors. Additionally, to ensure safety of staff and students, the demolition and removal of any asbestos-clad infrastructure will be undertaken on weekends or out of school hours.

After consultation with the Department of the Premier and Cabinet's Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Unit, the Department for Education confirms that there are no native title implications over the site area. The Department for Environment and Water has confirmed there are two buildings listed as local heritage places on the site with one directly affected by these works, and which will require major refurbishment to maintain and preserve its heritage form. There are no state heritage places or contributory heritage items on this site.

The department assures the committee that engagement and consultation has occurred with the school principal, the governing council, school staff and the education director, who all endorse the project. This has occurred at each stage to ensure there has been direct representation on project development.

The committee examined written and oral evidence in relation to the Nailsworth Primary School redevelopment. Witnesses who appeared before the committee were: Helen Doyle, Acting Executive Director, Infrastructure, Department for Education; John Harrison, Director, Building Projects, Department for Infrastructure and Transport; and Peter Ahladas, Associate, JPE Design Studio. I thank the witnesses for their time before the committee.

Based upon the evidence considered, and pursuant to section 12C of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991, the Public Works Committee reports to parliament that it recommends the proposed public works.

Motion carried.