Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Procedure
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Public Works Committee: Thebarton Aquatic Centre Refurbishment
Mr BROWN (Florey) (11:02): I move:
That the 42nd report of the committee, entitled Thebarton Aquatic Centre Refurbishment, be noted.
The Department for Education proposes to refurbish facilities at the Thebarton Aquatic Centre to create a modern recreational and sporting facility for the community. Located on Meyer Street in Torrensville, the aquatic centre is within the City of West Torrens and is a very well-used public asset.
The centre caters for approximately 1,500 users per week and is utilised by a range of community groups. It is also a critical facility in the delivery of the Department for Education's water safety program. The refurbishment will create a more accessible and safer facility for the community, with key aims of the redevelopment to focus on the refurbishment of spaces around the existing pools to provide better amenities to pool users. Key aims of the project include:
refurbishing existing spaces to provide contemporary and efficient facilities supporting social and community outcomes;
improving the centre's ability to provide quality aquatic services, including educational services to South Australians, and delivering South Australian government commitments;
providing a compliant community facility;
improving access to the facility for people with disabilities;
increasing water safety for the children of South Australia; and
reducing the risk exposure associated with aged infrastructure.
The capital cost is $8.7 million, and construction has commenced, with practical completion anticipated for June this year. The aquatic centre is closed during the construction period, and the department was actively involved in relocating the users to nearby swimming centres during this time. Project construction will follow two key stages, with stage 1 comprising demolition works to existing amenities, an external structure, ancillary spaces and the pool plant enclosure.
Stage 2 will follow with construction and refurbishment of:
a new pool plant area, allowing for plant and equipment to be positioned in a compliant manner;
a new pool store, directly opening onto the pool concourse;
new complaint amenities with showers and water closets located in two separate change rooms;
an accessible shower/water closet to include a change table and provision for patrons with disabilities;
two general learning areas, one with a kitchenette to allow for basic catering facilities for events; and
an open area at the south end of the pool hall.
The project scope also includes refurbishment work to the main 25-metre pool, the learn-to-swim pool and the steel structure of the pool hall. The pool concourse will be reconstructed to ensure proper drainage, and slip-resistant tiles will be installed. The department states that the refurbishment has been designed to be adaptable to accommodate future pool works, if required.
Thebarton Aquatic Centre specifically caters to the needs of disability community groups and services. Therefore, requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act have been considered to make provisions for persons with disabilities. These include the installation of a disability access ramp to the main pool to provide equitable access along with additional amenities access. Three options were considered in the development of the project, which included: option 1, do nothing; optionĀ 2, build a completely new facility; and option 3, refurbish and construct the new facilities on the Thebarton Aquatic Centre site. Option 3 was determined as the most appropriate and cost-effective solution that addressed the key objectives for the project.
Sustainable development principles and environmental objectives were incorporated into the project design and policies. These principles aim to reduce energy consumption and associated greenhouse gas emissions over the duration of the project. The project will utilise a holistic life-cycle approach to planning, design, costing, construction, maintenance and building management. Design of the aquatic centre will demonstrate best practice design measures, to reduce energy input and maximise use of natural light and ventilation. Additionally, the design is future adaptable and will utilise existing renewable, recyclable and locally sourced resources with an emphasis on minimising waste to landfill.
Risk assessments have been undertaken and determined there is a medium range of risk relating to construction program and project cost. To address these risks, the Department for Infrastructure and Transport is providing risk-management services from the early design stages, and throughout construction. After consultation with the Department of the Premier and Cabinet's section of Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation, the department confirms there are no native title implications over the site area. The Department for Environment and Water confirms there are no local heritage places on the site. The Department for Education assures that engagement and consultation has occurred with all relevant and appropriate stakeholders. Care has been taken to consult and ensure all the needs of stakeholders have been considered during the refurbishment process.
The committee examined written and oral evidence in relation to the Thebarton Aquatic Centre refurbishment. Witnesses who appeared before the committee were Helen Doyle, Acting Executive Director, Infrastructure, Department for Education; John Harrison, Director, Building Projects, Department for Infrastructure and Transport; and David McLeod, Senior Associate, Grieve Gillet Architects.
I thank the witnesses for their time. I would also like to thank the member for West Torrens for the written statement supporting this project in his electorate. Based upon the evidence considered, and pursuant to section 12C of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991, the Public Works Committee reports to parliament that it recommends the proposed public works.
Motion carried.