Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Procedure
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Procedure
Ayers House Bill
Second Reading
Adjourned debate on second reading.
(Continued from 29 November 2023.)
Ms CLANCY (Elder) (12:56): I rise today in support of the Ayers House Bill 2023 to reverse the previous state Liberal government's decision to remove the National Trust of South Australia from Ayers House and fulfil our promise to grant ongoing rights in relation to Ayers House to the National Trust of South Australia, including its use for commercial operations to generate revenue for the National Trust.
The National Trust of South Australia was established as an independent community advocate for the protection and preservation of our built, natural and cultural heritage. The trust works to educate the public on the value of conserving our heritage buildings, the benefits of conservation and restoration works and how this preservation can have environmental and economic benefits to the state as a whole.
In keeping with these values, the National Trust of SA campaigned successfully to prevent the demolition of Ayers House in the 1960s, restored the house in the 1970s at the behest of then Premier Don Dunstan and has maintained, cared for and kept it open to the public ever since, all with very little government support.
Over its 50 years of its stewardship of Ayers House, the trust has worked to deliver engaging experiences, events, tours and performances for people of all ages, even the occasional excellent wedding. At the opening of Ayers House in 1973, then Premier Dunstan said:
A civilised community is one which values both the achievements of the past and of the present…the work of the National Trust…has over the past decade or so educated, in a real sense, both the public, and its governments, in a proper respect for architectural standards and achievement… I am also pleased to say that in…Ayers House, we have achieved an ideal balance between restoration and function…the house will have a life of its own.
A private chamber music concert will be held in the ball room tomorrow night. I expect the Festival of Arts Writers' Week will have its headquarters at Ayers House. The government intends to entertain here. In all these things, and in others, we will have in Ayers House a state reception centre of distinction and high value, but one to which the public will have continuing access.
That was Don Dunstan. When then minister responsible for heritage, now SA Liberal leader, the member for Black announced the eviction of South Australia's National Trust from Ayers House on North Terrace, he signalled to those of us who are passionate about heritage and the preservation of our state's built form that the Liberal Party is not interested in maintaining our state's cultural history, nor in continuing decades-long public access to Ayers House. I seek leave to continue my remarks.
Leave granted; debate adjourned.
Sitting suspended from 13:00 to 14:00.