Opening of Parliament
Opening of Parliament
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Address in Reply
Parliamentary Procedure
Sittings and Business
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens—Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Minister for Energy and Mining) (17:52): I move:
That standing orders be and remain so far suspended as to enable the introduction of government bills prior to the Address in Reply being adopted.
The ACTING SPEAKER (The Hon. A. Piccolo): I need to count the house to make sure there is an absolute majority. There is not an absolute majority, please ring the bells.
An absolute majority of the whole number of members being present:
The SPEAKER: I have counted the house. There being present an absolute majority of the whole number of members of the house, I accept the motion. Is the motion seconded?
Honourable members: Yes, sir.
The SPEAKER: The question is that the motion be agreed to.
Motion carried.