Opening of Parliament
Opening of Parliament
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Address in Reply
Water Rates
Mr COWDREY (Colton) (16:48): My question is to the Treasurer. Will the Treasurer commit to not increasing water bills?
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee—Treasurer) (16:48): I had an interesting exchange with the member for Colton on ABC talkback radio last week, where we went through the process of how government taxes, fees and charges are incrementally increased year by year, because, of course, I think the ABC radio station, as was I, was alarmed to see the opening lines of a press release that had been issued by the member for Colton raising the fear that state government taxes, fees and charges, and the annual fees and charges setting process, were now set to increase substantially because of the recent increase in Adelaide's CPI.
The SPEAKER: Treasurer, I will hear the point of order.
Mr COWDREY: Point of order, sir: despite how much fun it was, I'm not sure that the ABC radio interview has any relevance to the Treasurer's commitment to not increasing water bills in South Australia.
The SPEAKER: I will listen carefully, as I understand that the Treasurer is seeking to provide an answer to the house.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: I was at pains to explain to listeners how these fees and charges are set each year: that there is a process, and that process is conducted to an agreed formula. That is well established. In fact, for those of us—and I think it's the majority of us—that do read the budget papers each year it's set out pretty clearly in Budget Paper 3; in fact, I think it was on page 54 of the most recent budget papers, about how these rates are set each year. The process is clear. It doesn't matter whether it's a motor vehicle registration fee, it doesn't matter whether it's a Metrocard ticket or, in the case that the member for Colton raises, about water bills. There is a process that is outlined in the budget papers.
The way in which that is determined is set out clearly. In fact, if I was in the member for Colton's shoes and I was putting a question together about water prices, I would consult the previous Minister for Water about how water prices were set. He would know that there is a process, and a way in which it's gone about, about increasing each year those water prices. The homework tonight is not just, it's calling the member for Black and asking him some basic information about the administration of government in this state.