Opening of Parliament
Opening of Parliament
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Address in Reply
Capital Works Projects
Mr COWDREY (Colton) (16:51): My question is to the Treasurer again. Has the Treasurer received any Treasury or any other advice that there wasn't $2 billion of unallocated capital works funding over the forward estimates?
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee—Treasurer) (16:51): There was some advice provided to the community in mid-March. I'm not quite sure whether it was the advice that was provided on North Terrace when counterfeit money was being thrown onto the ground by a retiring politician or whether it was the exasperations and expressions which were put to the media, once again bogusly, by that same retiring member of parliament. There was that information which was put out to the community, but of course, as the member for Colton is at pains to remind us, it's irrelevant, isn't it? It's irrelevant. I won't divulge too much more about those contributions to public debate.
If the member for Colton wants to know how much money is available for capital spending, then he will have to do what I just recommended he do in the previous response, and that is have a look at the budget papers. Those budget papers will be handed down on 2 June. I know that it grieves the member for Colton. He said it was an early budget. An early budget? Really? We have a habit in South Australia of handing down budgets in June, and I realise that may not be convenient for those opposite—
Mr Cowdrey: Oh, yes—post election, every four years, they come down in June, don't they Mullers?
The SPEAKER: Order!
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: —who are thinking of a languid six months after the recent state election—
Ms Stinson interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order, member for Badcoe!
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: —but we are a government getting on with the job.
Mr Cowdrey: What happened in 2006? What happened in 2010?
The SPEAKER: The member for Colton is called to order.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: We've got an agenda that we want to deliver, as the Premier set out, and we will be getting on with it.