House of Assembly: Tuesday, December 04, 2018


Government Advertising

In reply to the Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee) (21 September 2018). (Estimates Committee B)

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer): I have been advised of the following for my portfolio:

Department of Treasury and Finance:


Branch Position Title FTE Total Salary 17/18
DTF – Corporate Communications Officer 1 $94,543.00
Super SA Manager, Marketing and Comms 0.75
(Marketing and Comms) Projects and Campaign Coordinator 0.8
Projects and Campaign Coordinator 0.72
Digital Coordinator 1
Publications Coordinator 1
Publications Coordinator 1
Publications Coordinator 0.84
Design Coordinator 0.67 $546,436.00
Revenue SA Mgr, Taxpayer Education and Comms 1
Tax Education and Comms Officers 0.61
Tax Education & Engagement Officer 0.9 $236,815.00
Lifetime Support Authority Senior Engagement Officer 1 $89,184.00
CTPIR Communications Manager 1 $83,209.00
SAFA Manager, Communication 0.7 $72,616.00
Total 12.99 $1,122,803.00


Branch Position Title FTE Total Salary 18/19
DTF – Corporate Communications Officer 1 $96,343.00
Super SA Manager, Marketing and Comms 0.75
(Marketing and Comms) Projects and Campaign Coordinator 0.8
Projects and Campaign Coordinator 0.72
Digital Coordinator 1
Publications Coordinator 1
Publications Coordinator 1
Publications Coordinator 0.84
Design Coordinator 0.67 $557,587.00
Revenue SA Mgr., Taxpayer Education and Comms 1
Tax Education and Comms Officers 0.61
Tax Education & Engagement Officer 0.9 $241,333.00
Lifetime Support Authority Senior Engagement Officer 1 $90,984.00
CTPIR Communications Manager 1 $85,009.00
SAFA Manager, Communication 0.7 $73,876.00
SafeWork SA Manager, Comms and Education 1
Principal Comms and Education Officer 1
Senior Comms and Education Officer 1
Senior Comms and Education Officer 0.8
Comms and Education Officer 0.9
Comms and Education Officer 1
Principal Digital Comms Officer 1 $639,229.00
Total 19.69 $1,784,361.00

The total budgeted salary for 2018-19 is $1,784,362. Staffing budget planners for 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22 have not been set.

Note: Some of the listed roles include responsibilities associated with client/employee education.

(c) As an open and transparent Government, Marketing Communications Activity Reports and Annual Media Expenditure details are proactively disclosed. The activity reports list all marketing campaigns over the cost of $50,000 and are posted on a monthly basis.

This information can be found at:'

Office of the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment:

(a) 2.4 FTE were engaged by the Office of the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment to provide communication activities, as at the end of June 2018. Total employment expenses was $320,000 in 2017-18.

(b) 1.4 FTE are budgeted in 2018-19. The communications budget requirements for the next and out years have not been finalised. However an estimated employee expenses based on the current 1.4 MAS3 position is listed below for information.

2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
1 x MAS3 $144,000 $147,000 $150,000
1 x MAS3* $144,000 $147,000 $150,000
$288,000 $294,000 $300,000

*Assumes current 0.4 FTE position becomes 1.0 FTE.

(c) As an open and transparent Government, Marketing Communications Activity Reports and Annual Media Expenditure details are proactively disclosed. The activity reports list all marketing campaigns over the cost of $50,000 and are posted on a monthly basis.

This information can be found at:'