House of Assembly: Tuesday, November 06, 2018


Reservoirs Committee

In reply to Dr CLOSE (Port Adelaide—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (25 September 2018). (Estimates Committee A)

The Hon. D.J. SPEIRS (Black—Minister for Environment and Water):

I have been advised that there are terms of reference for the 'Water Quality Working Group' which include the following scope and deliverables:

Undertake an assessment of each of the recreational activities proposed for reservoirs to identify possible risks to water quality within a reservoir (may be different for individual reservoirs) and mitigation strategies to assure drinking water quality, including water treatment options.

Undertake an assessment of each reservoir to identify what recreational activities can occur without requiring additional water treatment. This must include assessing parts of reservoir land where risks may be lower or non-existent.

Identify SA Water water management infrastructure and any requirements (including statutory requirements) to restrict public access (i.e. major hazard facilities).

Assess the impact of previous and current reservoir water management practices (including copper dosing) on potential recreational activities, including on fishing to determine if fish will be safe to eat.

Give consideration to the impact of algal blooms and recreational activities, including public perceptions.

Providing advice on how recreational access to reservoirs interstate has been undertaken to ensure no adverse outcomes to drinking water quality.

Identify scheduled major upgrades to infrastructure and environmental programs that may restrict recreation activities.

Provide advice on capital works (including budget) required to assure drinking water quality as a result of the introduction of recreational activities on reservoirs.

Develop an implementation plan for endorsement by the Taskforce.

Provide advice on a communications and engagement plan, consistent with the overarching plan, for endorsement the Public Access and Engagement Working Group.

The task force may assign other deliverables to the working group.

The working group includes experts from SA Health, SA Water, the Department for Environment and Water, and the Environmental Protection Authority who will ensure that appropriate advice is sought to ensure that water quality risks are managed.