House of Assembly: Thursday, May 10, 2018


Minister for Child Protection

Dr CLOSE (Port Adelaide—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (14:11): My supplementary question is to the Minister for Child Protection. Why did the minister then post a tweet of herself enjoying the game at 10.18, given that she doesn't see that it's an issue?

An honourable member: That's not a supp.

Dr CLOSE: It's a supplementary, given that she doesn't see that it's an issue because she works every day.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order!

Dr CLOSE: Why did she tweet at 10.18 on Friday 13 April—not the day of a charity tournament, as I understand it—and delete it a few minutes later?

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order! Members on my right, order!

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER Order!

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: The leader is called to order. The Premier is called to order. The minister will be heard in silence.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: The member for Unley is called to order. The member for Hammond is called to order. The minister will be heard in silence.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order! The minister will be heard in silence.

The Hon. S.K. Knoll interjecting:

The SPEAKER: The Minister for Transport is called to order. Minister.

The Hon. R. SANDERSON (Adelaide—Minister for Child Protection) (14:12): I find it very disappointing that the former minister for child protection has nothing to say about the department she left in an absolute mess after four years under your leadership. I am working very hard to fix the mess that you have left and will not be answering the question.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: I think the minister has finished, member for West Torrens. It was a broad question. I allowed the minister some latitude, as I allowed the deputy leader some latitude. Is there a supplementary?

Mr KOUTSANTONIS: Point of order, sir.

The SPEAKER: The minister has finished now. We will move on to the next question.