House of Assembly: Thursday, May 10, 2018


Food Producers

Mr ELLIS (Narungga) (14:20): My question is to the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development. Can the minister update the house on how government is supporting our food producers to grow the economy and create jobs?

The Hon. T.J. WHETSTONE (Chaffey—Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development) (14:20): I thank the newly elected member for Narungga for his very important question. As we all know, food producers here in South Australia are a huge contributor to the state's economy. They are hugely important to everyone here, whether they are on this side of the chamber, the other side of the chamber or in the gallery, because we all expect three meals a day. We all expect food that's grown at a premium level and making sure that our domestic markets are met as well as increasing our export opportunities.

South Australia's food growing industry contributes to our state's economy to around about $17.6 billion and it generates about 18 per cent of South Australia's workforce—critically important. South Australia has a global reputation for producing world-leading food for local consumption and international exports. What I will say is that food production represents over 50 per cent of our GSP. It represents over 50 per cent of South Australia's merchandise exports. It is critically important that food producers, the food manufacturing sector, get the respect as well as the support that they need, to grow their industries, to grow the sector, so that we can actually produce more food for a greater demand, not only domestically but internationally, so that we can value-add and grow our economy.

Just as importantly, food producers, as one of the great backbones of our economy, of the state's economy, are now a vital piece in the puzzle in creating more job opportunities, particularly with a growing red meat industry, particularly growing with the wine industry, particularly growing with the manufacturing sector, with vertically integrated—

Mr Koutsantonis interjecting:

The SPEAKER: The member for West Torrens is on two warnings.

Mr Koutsantonis: I was talking to my leader, sir.

The SPEAKER: I don't think you were. You're on two warnings. Interjections are out of order. Continue, minister.

The Hon. T.J. WHETSTONE: What I want to say is that this government will support our food producers. That's why there was an election commitment of this government to commit $1 million per annum to Food SA to support continued growth to our South Australian food and beverage industry. They are an outstanding peak body organisation that represents almost every sector of the food industry. It is ably led by a team that is passionate and is striving for excellence in growing South Australia's economy but also supporting the sector that needs support entering export markets. That organisation is also about promoting investment. It is also about promoting research. It is about giving the people that grow our food the support that they have long waited for.

The increased funding will also support the South Australian Food Industry Awards Program. That is a critical piece of the puzzle when it comes to recognising the outstanding work that our food producers do. Let me tell you, we understand on this side of the house the diversity that food producers have to live with day in and day out: the weather conditions, the biosecurity threats. It is also about people supporting their industry. It is about people making sure that, when they put food into their mouth, it is safe.

It is about understanding the importance of biosecurity, understanding that this government will implement more fruit fly measures. They will make sure that biosecurity is front and centre. On my recent trip to Brisbane for the AGMIN meeting, biosecurity was the number one agenda item. I have said that we will support biosecurity. We have announced that we will introduce two extra fruit fly deposit bins coming into the Riverland. We all know that the Riverland and myself as a very strong advocate has been—

The SPEAKER: The minister's time has expired. Thank you, minister. The member for Badcoe.