House of Assembly: Thursday, May 10, 2018


Child Protection

Ms STINSON (Badcoe) (15:08): Supplementary, Mr Speaker: can the Minister for Child Protection detail what these unofficial meetings were with SACOSS and when?

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER Order! Minister.

The Hon. R. SANDERSON (Adelaide—Minister for Child Protection) (15:08): I don't see that as necessary.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: I could not hear that answer over a wall of noise. Is the minister finished?

The Hon. R. SANDERSON: Yes.

The SPEAKER: The minister is finished.

Mr KOUTSANTONIS: Point of order: if a minister in the executive won't even answer a question, sir, she is not only insulting you, she is insulting the entire chamber.

The SPEAKER: Minister, over the wall I did not hear. I will have a look at the Hansard. I did not hear the answer.

Mr KOUTSANTONIS: She just simply refused to answer, sir.

The SPEAKER: The member will be seated. I will have a look. I couldn't hear it.

The Hon. J.A.W. Gardner interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Point of order.

The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER: Former Speaker Atkinson made it a standard of the house that arguing with the Speaker was a naming offence.

The SPEAKER: Yes, that is true. I did not hear the answer. I will have a look at the Hansard and come back to the house if it is appropriate. Another supplementary and then the member for King.