House of Assembly: Thursday, August 10, 2017


Royal Adelaide Hospital

Ms CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (14:40): A supplementary again to the Minister for Health: are any public relations campaigns scheduled after the hospital opens and, if so, what is the budget?

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING (Playford—Minister for Health, Minister for the Arts, Minister for Health Industries) (14:40): I will need to check whether the information campaign will continue after. I see no particular reason why it shouldn't, because people will still require information. It is very, very important that we have clarity in the community about the opening date. I repeatedly say, when there are media interviews, that the key date for the South Australian public to keep in mind is 7am on 5 September. That is the time that the new emergency department at the new Royal Adelaide Hospital will open and the old one will close. It is very important that people understand that date. We don't want people presenting to the wrong emergency department. Having said that, I will check to see the schedule for the advertising campaign to see how long it continues.