House of Assembly: Thursday, June 01, 2017


Parliamentary Procedure

Speaker's Ruling

The SPEAKER (11:19): Yesterday, I took the member for Unley to task for using the Treasurer's surname in debate and, to explain that ruling, I refer to page 514 of House Of Representatives Practice, which states:

In the Chamber and the Federation Chamber a Member must not be referred to by name, but only by the name of the Member's electoral division (that is, as 'the Member for…' or 'the honourable Member for…'), or by the title of his or her parliamentary or ministerial office. This restriction has also been extended to the terms of motions, amendments and matters of public importance. The purpose of this rule, in conjunction with the requirement to address the Chair…Is to make debate less personal and avoid the direct confrontation of Members addressing one another as 'you'. A degree of formality helps the House remain more dignified and tolerant when political views clash and passions may be inflamed.

I quote that to amplify my ruling. I am also reminded that one cannot use unparliamentary language by the device of quoting from the media or documents.