House of Assembly: Thursday, June 01, 2017


Older Persons Mental Health service

Mr DULUK (Davenport) (14:33): Given the Chief Psychiatrist's estimates that the current demand for a tier 7 facility is at least 21 beds and the space available at the Northgate facility will accommodate 16 at the most, where will the other beds be located?

An honourable member interjecting:

The Hon. L.A. VLAHOS (Taylor—Minister for Disabilities, Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse) (14:34): Yes, it is like Groundhog Day, except none of them are like Bill Murray, who learned from the experience.

The SPEAKER: The minister will not respond to interjections.

The Hon. L.A. VLAHOS: Thank you, Mr Speaker. What we do know about this space is the number of residents at this type of facility is complex, and their wellbeing and their mental wellbeing flexes up and down. It's not a static thing. Someone might start with a seven, they may recover, they may go down to a six and they may go back to a five. It's up to the clinicians on that site to decide the right mix of consumers at any one space.

We do know, and we have made it very clear, that Northgate has two pods that we're preparing for people over the coming weeks to become new residents at this new facility. We're looking forward to sharing that with their families shortly and taking them through this facility. I believe the Hon. Stephen Wade in the other place has already had a tour of this facility recently, and I'm sure he would comment on how good the Northgate facility is that is available. It will give them quality of life.

The number of consumers who are suffering from the different tiers of dementia treatment in this state will move according to the number of people who are coming into our service at any one time. But tier 7, yes, is the most severe level, and when people are in that state they are treated in the appropriate clinical settings. That is a matter that Dr McKellar provides advice to us on about on a regular basis. My understanding is that the quantity that the opposition is putting forward today wouldn't necessarily be actuarially correct with the population of South Australia, but again I will rely on the advice in the model of care piece that we are developing and for the transition team to give me that information.