Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Auditor-General's Report
Estimates Replies
Electricity Prices
Mr MARSHALL (Dunstan—Leader of the Opposition) (14:12): Supplementary, sir: whilst the Minister for Regional Development is travelling around the regions, what are the major employers telling the minister about our electricity prices in this state?
The Hon. G.G. BROCK (Frome—Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Local Government) (14:13): Mr Speaker—
Ms Chapman interjecting:
The SPEAKER: The deputy leader is warned for the second and final time.
The Hon. G.G. BROCK: Wherever I go we are trying to work with those industries, and I go back to the Regional Development Fund and also some of the concessions that the Treasurer put up in the last budget about the Job Accelerator Fund assisting employers who are looking to employ people.
The whole venture of this government is to create employment opportunities out there, and I will stand by what we are doing on this side to try to encourage everybody. One thing I will not do as a member of parliament and as a regional person is that I will not talk down this region, I will not talk down the economy. I will talk it up all the time and help those people through diverse opportunities and look at improving it.