House of Assembly: Thursday, June 23, 2016



Summary Offences (Filming and Sexting Offences) Amendment Bill

Final Stages

The Legislative Council agreed to the bill with the amendments indicated by the following schedule, to which amendments the Legislative Council desires the concurrence of the House of Assembly:

No. 1. Clause 5, page 3, line 22 [clause 5(7), inserted subsection (2)(b)(i)]—Before 'breasts' insert 'bare'

No. 2. Clause 6, page 3, after line 31—Insert:

(2) Section 26B(9), definitions of broadcasting, media organisation and publish—delete the definitions and substitute:

media organisation means an organisation whose activities consist of or include the collection, preparation for dissemination or dissemination of the following material for the purpose of making it available to the public:

(a) material having the character of news, current affairs, information or a documentary;

(b) material consisting of commentary or opinion on, or analysis of, news, current affairs, information or a documentary;

No. 3. Clause 7, page 3, line 35—Delete 'minor' and substitute 'person under the age of 17 years'

No. 4. Clause 8, page 4, after line 1—Before subclause (1) insert:

(a1) Section 26D(1), penalty provision, (a)—delete 'a minor' and substitute:

under the age of 17 years

No. 5. Clause 8, page 4, after line 3—After subclause (1) insert:

(1a) Section 26D(3), penalty provision, (a)—delete 'a minor' and substitute:

under the age of 17 years

No. 6. Clause 9, page 4, line 16 [clause 9, inserted section 26DA(1), penalty provision, (a)]—Delete 'minor' and substitute 'person under the age of 17 years'

No. 7. Clause 9, page 4, line 27 [clause 9, inserted section 26DA(2), penalty provision, (a)]—Delete 'a minor' and substitute 'under the age of 17 years

At 17:16 the house adjourned until Tuesday 5 July 2016 at 11:00.