House of Assembly: Thursday, June 23, 2016


Volunteers Day

Ms COOK (Fisher) (14:49): My question is to the Minister for Volunteers. How is a state government recognising and celebrating the work of our state's volunteers?

The Hon. Z.L. BETTISON (Ramsay—Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion, Minister for Social Housing, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Minister for Youth, Minister for Volunteers) (14:49): Can I thank the member for Fisher for this question. We had a bit of a chat earlier, and we were talking about her extensive volunteering history, which I understand started as a child for St John Ambulance. I thank her for her work. As Minister for Volunteers, I am immensely proud of the contribution of approximately 900,000 South Australians who generously donate their time and skills to volunteering.

South Australian volunteers contribute an estimated 1.7 million hours of unpaid work each year with the value of that unpaid work labour estimated at almost $5 billion. Beyond these statistics, volunteers contribute so much to the wellbeing of South Australians and South Australian communities. These contributions are made through exceptional efforts of our volunteers who help, listen and offer support and companionship, who build skills and confidence in themselves and others, and whose talents, skills and personal values and qualities really do shine through and make a difference.

On 12 June, in honour of South Australian Volunteers Day, I hosted the 2016 thankyou event for volunteers at the Festival Theatre. The event is now in its 14th year and is our largest celebration of volunteers and volunteering in our state. More than 1,800 individuals attended the event, which included performances from the Adelaide Cabaret Festival program and the presentation of the three highest volunteer awards.

Can I take the opportunity to thank His Excellency our Governor, Hieu Van Le, who takes the time every year to come and give these awards. I really appreciate it. Many of the volunteers are absolutely delighted to have the opportunity to be recognised and have the Governor there. The highest volunteer awards of the state are the Joy Noble Medal, the Premier's Award for Corporate Social Responsibility, and 'The Andamooka' Community Project Award.

The South Australian government values the enormous contribution volunteers make to their local communities each and every year, and I am pleased to say we will be continuing our strong support to the volunteering sector across South Australia. Over the past year, the state government invested $850,000 to assist thousands of volunteers and more than 150 community organisations across the state. This included funding for community-building programs, equipment, administrative resources and training.

In addition, the Volunteering Strategy for South Australia, released in February 2014, continues to guide the future of volunteering in our state over the next two years. This partner-driven strategy between South Australian government, local government, the not-for-profit sector and Business SA explores emerging issues and challenges for the volunteering sector and provides a set of strategic directions to address them.

While South Australians continue to volunteer in record numbers, it's important for the future of volunteering that we encourage young people to get involved. Attracting volunteers from a young age is a key to establishing a lifelong volunteering habit, and I am committed to this challenge. The Youth Volunteer Scholarship Awards recognise the efforts of young volunteers. This grant program provides up to $3,000 towards study costs for young volunteers. It's open to those of up to the age of 25 years and open for applications until 22 July. During the next five weeks, I encourage my colleagues to get people to enter.