House of Assembly: Thursday, June 23, 2016


Premier's State/Local Government Forum

The Hon. S.W. KEY (Ashford) (15:04): My question is directed to the Minister for Local Government. I want the minister to report on the progress of discussions at the Premier's State/Local Government Forum. I would just like to say to the minister that this is an initiative that came through our state council when we were in opposition and I was the shadow local government minister, so I am very interested to—

Members interjecting:

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: I can't hear her.

The Hon. S.W. KEY: —particularly get an update.

Mr GARDNER: Standing order 97 does not allow for argument or anecdote in asking a question.

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: I will listen. She has finished the question.

Members interjecting:

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: The member for MacKillop is not in his place.

The Hon. G.G. BROCK (Frome—Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Local Government) (15:06): This forum met recently on 13 May—

Members interjecting:


The Hon. G.G. BROCK: —and while the agenda traverses a number of areas, I am pleased that there has been an agreed focus on how local government, and I am sure the shadow minister will agree, and the state can better work together to help transform our economy and create jobs.

As might be expected, a key aspect of discussions at the forum and at regular meetings I had with the LGA president and also the chief executive have been the continual improvement of the local government legislative framework. Specifically under that banner, I welcomed the enthusiastic response of the local government sector to working with the government to develop much-needed reforms to the processes that government proposes for council boundary changes. The forum has agreed a proposed new framework that will:

simplify and broaden new boundary change proposals which can be initiated;

provide a clear assessment process for administrative matters;

develop a process for the initial assessment of proposals; and

establish a body to oversight an independent analysis of significant boundary change or amalgamation proposals.

Draft legislation for council boundary reforms is being developed with a view to draft a bill for consultation being publicly available through the middle of this year ahead of an introduction of a bill during the spring sittings of parliament. Important discussions have also progressed through the forum regarding mechanisms that can be used effectively—

The Hon. A. Koutsantonis interjecting:

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: I call the Treasurer to order.

Members interjecting:


The Hon. G.G. BROCK: Important discussions have also progressed through the forum regarding mechanisms that can be used effectively to ensure that councils can partner with the government to invest more in significant new community infrastructure and job creation projects. Work is ongoing among officials from both sectors in an effort to refine the criteria of an agreed model of collaboration. Other items noted by the forum agenda included:

the continuation of constructive work being done by the LGA and DPTI on the issue of better collaboration on road investment, including the exploration of joint procurement opportunities;

negotiations about appropriate pricing of public lighting services and how that infrastructure can be used more optimally to deliver other services to the community;

the nuclear consultation process;

the continued success of regional development funding;

progress made in relation to the South Australian economic plan;

preparation of the schedule of priorities under the state/local government agreement; and

the member for Goyder's council rate capping private member's bill. I have been pleased with the discussions and outcomes of the forum and believe they will help to drive significant benefits for communities in metropolitan and in particular regional areas.