House of Assembly: Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Campbelltown Rotary Club

Mr TARZIA (Hartley) (15:43): I rise today to speak about the Campbelltown Rotary club, which recently celebrated its 50th year, and I had the pleasure of attending that celebration. The club has raised literally millions of dollars over the years for most worthy causes, and it has improved the lives of thousands of people around the place. It has provided much fellowship for locals, and I have no doubt that it will continue to be a fundamental pillar of our area.

President Damian Leach opened the meeting, and that was followed by an invocation by Stephanie Martin. A toast to Rotary International was given by Tony Lagozzino, and Dick Wilson responded. Tony Uren introduced guests that night, and then Glenys Fereday gave us a wonderful snapshot of the years 1966 to 1975, when the club achieved so much.

We were then treated to a film of the early years by Eric Webb, followed by a snapshot of the years 1976 to 1985 by Peter Rumbelow, which was fantastic. Ian Reddy and John Schubert followed with a snapshot of the years 1986 to 1995, and then Eric Webb continued, putting on a display of the recent achievements as well. A 50th year anniversary cake was cut, and then we were also given a snapshot of the years 1996 to 2005 by Garth Holmes and Margaret Northcote, followed by a wonderful snapshot of the years 2006 to the present by Brian Stevens and Jim Silvestri.

There were also many awards presented that night, and I want to touch on them because many members have made huge contributions to the club over the past 50 years. Paul Harris Fellow awards were awarded to many members: firstly, Mr Ralph Holmes. He joined the club in 2009 and served in the club service role of public relations officer in 2009 and 2010. He served on vocational fundraising and membership committees as well as performing many other duties. He is a gentleman who is always willing to volunteer, especially at the shed and Carnevale. He has always been significant, and it was an honour to see him presented with that award.

Gwenda Schubert—I believe she is the partner of a member—joined the family of Rotary some 39 years ago. Again, she is always willing to help and is still, to this day, significantly involved at the shed. Babu Kanagasabai joined the club in 2002. He is a wonderful man with a gentle heart who is always there to help. He has been membership director, has chaired the Carnevale committee and also has served in fundraising, international, vocational and membership capacities as well. I congratulate him.

A number of Sapphire Pins were also awarded. Don Marcioinni, who joined the club in 1977, served on the board as a director (fellowship) in 1982. His major contribution to the club, as we saw on the night, was actually repairing, restoring and building some of the shed. He is a craftsman, and he is extremely generous with his time and skill both within the club and also at the North Eastern Community Hospital where he has been regularly called upon. His family have been extremely generous. They have hosted two exchange students. I would like to congratulate Don, his wife and his family for their contribution to the club and the community.

Joe Hudspith joined the club in 1982 after membership with other clubs situated where his employment was at the time. He has been the secretary, director of membership and has served on basically every standing committee. I thank Joe.

Stan McPhee joined the club in 1981, serving as a director in 1986, 1987 and 1992. He was auction chairman in 1990. He has served as property officer and photographer. There is not much that he has not done. He has even served as song leader repeatedly, and that was certainly a point of contention on the night, but you have to have a sense of humour in this club. His major contribution to the club, amongst others, would be the organisation of the children's Christmas party and the club Christmas meetings. These are festive events where there is always a lot of fun.

Tony Eddowes joined the club in 1976, serving as public relations officer. He has gone on to serve as director of the club in 1986, 1992 and 1997, serving as vocational, community and international service director. I would also like to congratulate Tony Lagozzino and Benny Bosman, as well as the Double Sapphire award winners—Reg Neale, Eric Webb, Barry Donaldson and David Richards—who have basically contributed most of their life to a wonderful club.