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Estimates Replies
Police Recruitment
In reply to Mr GARDNER (Morialta) (27 July 2015). (Estimates Committee B)
The Hon. A. PICCOLO (Light—Minister for Disabilities, Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety): I have been advised:
SAPOL and TAFE SA have formalised a partnership to deliver a pre entry literacy and numeracy testing for potential Police and Protective Security Officers.
Previously, applicants were permitted to sit the entrance test once per year. The TAFE model now allows applicants to re-sit quarterly if necessary.
The TAFE concession price for this pre entry testing is $125.50 (incl. GST).
TAFE SA currently conducts all testing in metropolitan Adelaide at two week intervals. The current testing process includes capacity for country applicants to attend Adelaide and complete all testing in a one week block.
This is in recognition of the financial impact and inconvenience to country applicants—if they undertake the block testing they are not required to pay the fee.
The TAFE component of testing for country applicants is currently facilitated by South Australia Police (SAPOL) at no cost to the applicant as part of a one week block when they attend to complete all testing. The viability of conducting testing at selected major regional TAFE centres will be assessed 12 months into the contract.
The TAFE test was introduced on 31 January 2015. As at 13 July 2015, 810 candidates have sat the test. Of those applicants, 263 passed and 547 failed.
During 2013, 731 applicants sat the aptitude testing using the previous (AIFP/SAFESELECT) methodology. Of those applicants, 599 passed and 132 failed. During 2014, 793 applicants sat the aptitude testing using the previous (AIFP/SAFESELECT) methodology. Of those applicants, 601 passed and 192 failed.
Since the commencement of the new (TAFE) process, there has been a noticeable improvement in the quality of formal applications to SAPOL; applicants' ability to progress to the next stages of the recruitment process; and successfully complete subsequent assessments.
Process efficiencies have also been achieved, with improvements in overall recruitment timeframes beginning to flow from the new system. Ongoing improvements in the timeframe from acceptance of an application to an employment decision are anticipated.