House of Assembly: Wednesday, September 09, 2015


Public Works Committee: Glenelg Wastewater Treatment Plant Hazardous Areas Upgrade Project

Ms DIGANCE (Elder) (11:47): I move:

That the 526th report of the committee, entitled Glenelg Wastewater Treatment Plant Hazardous Areas Upgrade Project, be noted.

The Glenelg Wastewater Treatment Plant, constructed in the 1930s, treats domestic and industrial wastewater from the Adelaide Hills and western suburbs of Adelaide. It services around 200,000 people and is one of the three major wastewater treatment plants in Adelaide. Recent investigations of the hazardous areas have identified some areas of the plant that are no longer compliant. The aim of this project is to upgrade the hazardous areas to minimise the risk of work health and safety incidents while still maintaining processing capacity and hence ensure compliance with the current Australian standards.

The preferred option is a complete upgrade, entailing ventilation, gas detection and all remedial works in one project. The option addresses the work health and safety risks and the noncompliance issues in the timeliest of manner. The cost of the project is $4.91 million, excluding GST, is fully funded within SA Water's approved budget and will have no impact on SA Water's overall capital plan, borrowings or contribution to government or customer prices. Major capital works will commence in November 2015, with the work to be completed by the end of 2016. Given this, and pursuant to section 12C of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991, the Public Works Committee reports to parliament that it recommends the proposed public works.

Mr WHETSTONE (Chaffey) (11:48): I, too, rise for the 526th report of the Public Works Committee, entitled the Glenelg Wastewater Treatment Plant Hazardous Areas Upgrade Project. Without going too far into it, the Glenelg Wastewater Treatment Plant is designed for annual flows of 60 megalitres a day to serve an equivalent of 203,000 people. At times of high flow, the volume of wastewater received from the wastewater treatment plant is delivered by the Anderson Avenue wastewater pumping station, and it can be in excess of 1,800 litres per second, which is a lot of water to pass through that facility. The facility is aged and it does need an upgrade. This $24 million (including GST) I think will be music to the member for Morphett's ears and it will also address the odour issue that needs to be dealt with. As a tourist destination, there is nothing worse than waking up to odour. I commend the report to the house.

Ms DIGANCE (Elder) (11:49): I am very happy that the member for Chaffey has spoken to this report as well. I commend the work that the Public Works Committee does and thank those who brought this report to us. I commend it to the house.

Motion carried.