House of Assembly: Wednesday, September 09, 2015


Youth Volunteer Scholarship Awards

The Hon. S.W. KEY (Ashford) (14:46): My question is to the Minister for Youth and Volunteers. How is the government supporting young people to volunteer in their local communities?

The Hon. Z.L. BETTISON (Ramsay—Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion, Minister for Social Housing, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Youth, Minister for Volunteers) (14:47): I thank the member for Ashford for her question. Our government values our volunteers. They make a significant contribution to local community organisations and groups across South Australia each and every day. We know people volunteer for a range of reasons, whether it is giving back to their local community, feeling connected to their local area, or simply because it makes them feel good.

We also know it is important to support and recognise our volunteers and the Youth Volunteer Scholarship Awards is one way our government supports young South Australians who volunteer their time and talents to help others in the community. The awards provide young volunteers with up to $3,000 to contribute towards the cost of course fees or textbooks associated with their study with a university, TAFE SA or vocational college.

Mr KNOLL: Point of order, Mr Speaker. If you could please check your inbox for me.

The SPEAKER: I thought you had lost your mojo over the winter break.

Mr KNOLL: The point of order is that every piece of information that the minister has uttered is on the website which I have put into your inbox.

The SPEAKER: I will listen carefully to what the minister has to say.

The Hon. Z.L. BETTISON: The department received more than 60 applications from dedicated young South Australians in a diverse range of volunteer roles including the Adelaide Gaol, the CFS, the SES and Riding for the Disabled. This week, 21 young South Australians will receive a Youth Volunteer Scholarship Award, and I am pleased to advise the member for Ashford that two of the recipients reside in her electorate.

The first is Betelehem Dellelegn, a young woman who arrived in Australia as a refugee from Ethiopia. She currently volunteers at the Australian Refugee Association and the City of Unley council as part of their community visitors' scheme which supports residents of aged-care facilities who are socially isolated or lonely and would benefit from a friendly visit. Betelehem is passionate about giving back to her local community and creating a welcoming and inclusive community for those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. She is studying for a Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing) and will receive $2,000 to assist with her course fees and textbooks.

The second is Kellie Stuart, another young woman who is passionate about animals. She currently volunteers with RSPCA between three and seven hours each week and fits this between her study and personal commitments. Kellie volunteers so that more funds raised for the RSPCA can be allocated towards caring for animals. She is studying a Certificate III in Agriculture and will receive $1,000 to assist with her course fees and textbooks.

Can I congratulate each of the successful recipients of the Youth Volunteer Scholarship Award and wish them the very best for their future studies as well as their volunteering endeavours.