House of Assembly: Tuesday, November 18, 2014


South Australia's Strategic Plan

Mr MARSHALL (Dunstan—Leader of the Opposition) (14:22): If the Premier is genuine about maintaining the State's Strategic Plan, why is the South Australian—

The SPEAKER: The leader will be seated. The question, 'if the Premier is genuine', imputes that he is not and, therefore, violates the rule against imputing improper—

Mr MARSHALL: I didn't mean to impute improper motive, but the Premier has announced that the State's Strategic Plan stands, so my question is: if it stands, why has the government sought to abolish the South Australian Strategic Plan Audit Committee?

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Premier) (14:23): Because we are seeking to streamline government and do away with those arrangements which are unnecessary. If there are ways in which we can carry out the work of government without committee structures, we will seek to do that. That was the whole point of the exercise about the abolition of boards of committees that were not strictly necessary for us to continue the work of government. There is no reason why this work cannot be compiled by agencies as part of their usual reporting arrangements, and we expect that that will occur.