House of Assembly: Thursday, September 26, 2013



Ms CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (15:01): I have a question for the Minister for Transport Services. When the minister told TV journalists that fare evasion was being detected because there is a new ticket system, was the minister aware that fare evaders do not use a ticket?

The Hon. C.C. FOX (Bright—Minister for Transport Services, Minister Assisting the Minister for the Arts) (15:02): I thank the member for Bragg for her question. How can I put this?

An honourable member: Stunned at the last question of the day.

The Hon. C.C. FOX: I'm stunned at the extraordinary nature of the last question. It is about how you measure things.

Members interjecting:

The Hon. C.C. FOX: Why is that amusing?

An honourable member interjecting:

The Hon. C.C. FOX: No, this is not a known-unknown situation. In fact, what I shall do is bring back to the house—

Members interjecting:

The Hon. C.C. FOX: Mr Speaker, the member for Bragg has asked a question; her colleagues aren't interested in the answer—they can't hear me. I will bring back to the house in two weeks' time a detailed breakdown of precisely how fare evasion—

Mr van Holst Pellekaan: That's not what the question was. The question was whether you knew.

The Hon. C.C. FOX: Of precisely how it occurs, yes.