House of Assembly: Thursday, September 26, 2013



Ms CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (14:45): My question is to the Minister for Transport Services. Minister, what is the estimated total cost of providing substitute bus services on the Noarlunga line as a result of the line not reopening on time?

The Hon. C.C. FOX (Bright—Minister for Transport Services, Minister Assisting the Minister for the Arts) (14:45): I do not have that figure in front of me, and I will bring it back to the house. However, it is, I think, worth pointing out that we have apologised extensively and continually, in fact, to the commuters on that particular line. From 1 October onwards, travel on that substitute bus line service will be free until the completion of the railway line. I think that is a good decision and a right decision to have made for commuters, taking into account what they have been through. In relation to the first question on the figures, I will bring that back to the house.