House of Assembly: Thursday, September 26, 2013



Mr MARSHALL (Norwood—Leader of the Opposition) (14:06): My question is to the Premier. Is it true that Mr Harrison advised Mr DeGennaro that if he did not resign he would be sacked?

The Hon. J.M. RANKINE (Wright—Minister for Education and Child Development, Minister for Multicultural Affairs) (14:06): The process that the chief executive officer absolutely undertook was appropriate and proper and he took great care, as I understand it, to do things in an appropriate manner, and I think it is unbecoming to make those unfounded assertions in this house.

Mrs REDMOND: Point of order, Mr Speaker: I believe the minister just asserted improper motive to the Leader of the Opposition in her answer on that question.

Ms Chapman interjecting:

The SPEAKER: No, I do not think she imputed improper motive; she just criticised the Leader of the Opposition. There is a difference. Before the supplementary, could I call the deputy leader to order. Leader.