Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Final Stages
The Legislative Council agreed to the bill without any amendment.
Ms CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (17:41): I am happy to indicate on behalf of the opposition that we welcome the return of the bill without amendment, and I think we should place on the record our appreciation to the Legislative Council for progressing that bill today to facilitate the important business that will flow as a result—
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Make it brief, because you are not meant to be speaking.
Ms CHAPMAN: —and I am sure that the Attorney-General will join with me in appreciating that.
The Hon. A. PICCOLO (Light—Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion, Minister for Social Housing, Minister for Disabilities, Minister for Youth, Minister for Volunteers) (17:41): On behalf of the Attorney-General, I would just like to advise that the bill was passed, as the member said, by the Legislative Council on Tuesday 9 April and the only matters to report from the Legislative Council were—
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Make it brief, because you are not meant to be speaking.
The Hon. A. PICCOLO: I will make it brief.
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Very brief. You are actually out of order.
The Hon. A. PICCOLO: I am out of order, am I?
The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Yes. Minister, would you like to move that the house do now adjourn?
Ms CHAPMAN: Point of clarification, Mr Deputy Speaker. My understanding is that there is another item on the agenda for consideration and I think the minister wishes to speak on it, because there is a bill in respect of security agents that has been returned from the Legislative Council, with a minor amendment, that I think the parliament is happy to accommodate.