House of Assembly: Thursday, April 11, 2013



Mrs GERAGHTY (Torrens) (14:43): My question is to the Deputy Premier as Minister for Planning. Can the minister please inform the house about new laws to streamline planning approvals?

The Hon. J.R. RAU (Enfield—Deputy Premier, Attorney-General, Minister for Planning, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Business Services and Consumers) (14:43): I thank the honourable member for her question. Late last year the Premier led a meeting with building industry groups wherein he and I discussed with them at some length their concerns about what could be done in South Australia to give some incentive and stimulus to the building industry in order to enable them to get on with building, which is what they do, in difficult times.

There were many aspects of that conversation which have, since that time, borne fruit. To speak of but a few, we could look at the HomeStart arrangements that have been made, the stamp duty arrangements that have been made and so forth. But one of the matters that came out of that very important meeting was that, in the interests of reducing red tape and to enable people in the building industry to be able to proceed and just get on with building, private certification of low risk, low impact residential development was a very important priority for these people in the building industry.

I have to report that, today, new laws come into effect, less than six months after I first introduced them into this place, to give effect to this private certification opportunity. The changes will extend to planning approval provisions similar to those that have been in place for building approvals since 1997. Put simply, the government is making things easier for families who are seeking planning approvals. Currently, planning approvals can take months. The changes coming into effect today can cut waiting times to less than a fortnight with potential for turnaround in just days. This also gives the potential for a homebuyer to get all planning and building approvals in one go for a new house and land package.

This is a red tape reduction initiative that is good for families and good for jobs. It is also very good for small business. It will give a further boost to the state's housing industry which employs, of course, many South Australians. The government is committed to supporting the construction industry. We sat down with industry representatives and we are now delivering a reform they have told us will unlock further development in our state. By streamlining planning approvals, we are helping to unlock work for tradesmen and contractors.

I would like to thank the Hon. Mark Parnell from the other place for his work with my department to ensure that these regulations have struck the correct balance. This government will continue to look for ways to support the development industry in these tough times through red tape reductions as well as through investment in public infrastructure. These reforms will strengthen the planning system in this state and help to keep downward pressure on housing affordability.