House of Assembly: Thursday, April 11, 2013



Mr HAMILTON-SMITH (Waite) (14:52): Supplementary: again, given the minister's answer, is Potatoes SA chief executive Robbie Davis correct then when she claims that the rising costs of water, energy and other fixed costs of doing business in SA are a key disadvantage in the global export market, especially when competing against New Zealand produce?

The SPEAKER: Where is that quote from?

Mr HAMILTON-SMITH: Robbie Davis, SA chief executive, given on talkback radio.

The SPEAKER: Well, it is contrary to the standing orders—well, no, it is contrary to usage—to ask whether reports in the media are true. The member for Mitchell.

Mr HAMILTON-SMITH: With your leave, Mr Speaker, I made no reference to the media. She has made the comments publicly and I indicated that they had been made publicly.

The SPEAKER: Yes, but they were in fact from the media.

Mr HAMILTON-SMITH: I think she has repeated them elsewhere.

The SPEAKER: The member for Mitchell.