Parliamentary Committees
Personal Explanation
Answers to Questions
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Personal Explanation
Committee Stage
In committee.
(Continued from 13 March 2012.)
Clause 1.
Ms CHAPMAN: Given the exchange yesterday with the Attorney, I reiterate that I had indicated that there were three prospective amendments from the opposition. One strengthened the protection of self-represented parties in relation to the statement of agreed facts proposal in the bill. The Attorney-General pointed out that he felt that a subclause of the current bill covered that matter; although it is not exactly the same as the court making an order, it can't be done without permission, and I think that matter will be resolved and, if it is not, they can talk about it in the other place, and they will certainly do that.
The second matter was to retain the status quo of correctional services officers issuing direction to offenders under supervision. We will have a look at that again, so I indicate that there may be something in the other place, but it seems as though that is near resolution.
The final matter relates to the delegation power by the Director of Public Prosecutions, which is considered in clause 13 with the addition of a new section 6A. The opposition will be opposing that clause. So, I invite you, Mr Chairman, to present to the committee, clauses 1 to 12, and I indicate that the opposition will be supporting those, but I will be seeking a vote on clause 13; otherwise the bill will be consented to.
Clause passed.
Clauses 2 to 12 passed.
Clause 13.
Ms CHAPMAN: On this clause, I indicate that the opposition opposes it, for the reasons I have outlined in the second reading address.
The Hon. J.R. RAU: I thank the honourable member for her support for clauses 1 to 12. In respect of clause 13, I am still not entirely clear on exactly what the nature of the amendment might be, and for that reason—
Ms Chapman interjecting:
The Hon. J.R. RAU: Yes, I will oppose it, but, in doing so, I just want to put on the record that it may or may not be that what ultimately is the form of the amendment is completely objectionable. I do not know because I have not seen it. There may be things that are capable of being resolved. But I do not know that presently, and for that reason we would urge that existing clause 13 be adopted.
Clause passed.
Remaining clauses (14 to 23) and title passed.
Third Reading
The Hon. J.R. RAU (Enfield—Deputy Premier, Attorney-General, Minister for Planning, Minister for Business Services and Consumers) (16:06): I move:
That this bill be now read a third time.
Bill read a third time and passed.