Parliamentary Representation
Parliamentary Procedure
Answers to Questions
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Ministerial Statement
Grievance Debate
Adjournment Debate
Mr TRELOAR (Flinders) (15:03): My next question is to the Minister for Environment and Conservation. Has the government completed any economic or regional impact modelling to determine the impact of the current marine parks proposal?
The Hon. P. CAICA (Colton—Minister for Environment and Conservation, Minister for the River Murray, Minister for Water) (15:03): I thank the member for Flinders for his question and acknowledge his very good representation of the people within the Flinders electorate. There has been a significant amount of debate about the marine parks at the moment. A consultation process is being undertaken. What we are doing, of course, is encouraging—and I would actually encourage the members opposite in turn to encourage their constituents, whether they be commercial fishers, recreational fishers, tourism operators or representatives of the regional communities there, to engage in this process so that the proposed sanctuary zones, in fact, will be those that are determined by the community.
The impact statements will be done once the final determination is made with respect to the sanctuary zones once they are determined, and—
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order!
The Hon. P. CAICA: —of course, that is a requirement that we have committed to. It will be a requirement to do those impact statements. Quite simply, we are not going to do this until such time as there is a landing spot in regards to what the sanctuary zones are going to be. Otherwise, it is a nonsense—just like the Opposition.