- ABC and SBS Funding
- Aboriginal Community Leadership
- Aboriginal Health
Aboriginal Heritage Act
Aboriginal Land Rights
Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee
Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Report 2013-14
- Aboriginal Language Interpreters and Translators
- Aboriginal Sobriety Group
- Aboriginal Teachers
- Access 2 Place Scheme
Adaptive Futures SA
Address in Reply
- 2014-05-06
- 2014-05-08
- 2014-05-21
- Adelaide and Shanghai Jiao Tong Universities
Adelaide Casino
- 2014-09-17
Adelaide City Skate Park
- Adelaide City Wi-Fi Project
- Adelaide University Dental Clinic
Adelaide Visitor Information Centre
- Adelaide Women's Prison
Administration and Probate (Removal of Requirement for Surety) Amendment Bill
Adult Community Education
Air Warfare Destroyer Project
- 2014-06-04
Ministerial Statement (2)
- Almond Industry
Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Animal Welfare
Animal Welfare (Companion Animals) Amendment Bill
Anna Stewart Memorial Project
- 2014-06-04
Answers Tabled
Apprentices and Trainees
Appropriation Bill 2014
APY Executive
Question Time (2)
- 2014-12-03
APY Lands
- APY Lands, Bike SA Program
APY Lands, Food Security
- 2014-11-19
APY Lands, Governance
- 2014-10-16
- 2014-11-13
- 2014-11-18
- APY Lands, Municipal and Essential Services Funding
APY Lands, Renal Dialysis Units
APY Lands, Watarru Community
Auditor-General's Report
- Austraining
- Australia Network
Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety
Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics
Australian Crime Commission (South Australia) (Examinations) Amendment Bill
- Australian Defence Force
- Australian Federation Reform
- Australian Hotels Association
- Australian Institute of Company Directors
- Australian Pig Breeders Association Ltd
Australian Red Cross
- Automotive Industry
- Banfield, Hon. D.h.l.
Berri Bowling Club
- Biofuel Technology
- Biosa Technology Achievement Award
Body Image Campaign
Borderline Personality Disorder
Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Measures Bill 2014
Bills (2)
- 2014-08-07
- 2014-09-16
- 2014-09-18
- 2014-09-23
- 2014-09-24
- 2014-09-25
- 2014-10-14
- Budget Papers
Building Family Opportunities
- 2014-10-14
Burnside Council
- Bursill, Professor Don
- Button Battery Safety
- By-Elections
- Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Review
Chamber Filming
- Changing Places Bathrooms
- Child Brides
Child Development and Wellbeing Bill
Child Protection
- 2014-06-18
- 2014-07-24
Ministerial Statement (2)
- 2014-08-06
- 2014-09-16
- 2014-09-18
- 2014-10-16
- 2014-11-20
Child Protection Screening
Child Sex Offenders Registration (Control Orders and Other Measures) Amendment Bill
- Child Sex Offenders, Indefinite Detention
China Trade
- 2014-06-04
Ministerial Statement (2)
China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
- China-Australia Leaders Forum
- Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival
- Choose Your Career
- Christies Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant
Chronic Pain
Cisco Systems
- Citizen's Right of Reply
- City High-Rise Development
- City of Adelaide Clipper
City of Port Adelaide Enfield
Civil Liability (Disclosure of Information) Amendment Bill
Clare Valley Water Supply
Clean Energy Summit
- 2014-11-20
Ministerial Statement (2)
Cleland Wildlife Park
Personal Explanation (1)
Question Time (2)
- 2014-10-14
Climate Change
- Climate Change Adaptation Showcase
Climate Council
- Co-Op Coffee Shop
- 2014-05-06
- 2014-05-07
- 2014-05-08
- 2014-05-20
- 2014-05-21
- 2014-05-22
- 2014-06-03
- 2014-06-04
- 2014-06-05
- 2014-06-17
- 2014-06-18
- 2014-06-19
- 2014-07-01
- 2014-07-02
- 2014-07-03
- 2014-07-24
- 2014-08-05
- 2014-08-06
- 2014-08-07
- 2014-09-16
- 2014-09-17
- 2014-09-18
- 2014-09-23
- 2014-09-24
- 2014-09-25
- 2014-10-14
- 2014-10-15
- 2014-10-16
- 2014-10-28
- 2014-10-29
- 2014-10-30
- 2014-11-11
- 2014-11-12
- 2014-11-13
- 2014-11-18
- 2014-11-19
- 2014-11-20
- 2014-12-02
- 2014-12-03
- 2014-12-04
Commissioner for Children and Young People Bill
Commissioner for Kangaroo Island Bill
Commissioner for Public Sector Employment
- Committee Stage
- Communities and Social Inclusion Department Screening
Communities and Social Inclusion Department Screening Unit
- Community Housing
- Comorbidity
- Conservation Stewardship Incentive Project
- Constitution (General Elections) Amendment Bill
Consumer and Business Services
Question Time (2)
Question Time (2)
- 2014-07-02
- 2014-10-14
- 2014-10-15
- Consumer Protection Booklet
- Consumer Rights
- Container Deposit Scheme
- Coober Pedy Indigenous Land Use Agreement
- Coober Pedy Waste Depot
Coorong and Lower Lakes
- Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth Recovery Project
- Country Press SA Awards
- Creedon, Hon. C.W.
- Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee
Criminal Assets Confiscation (Prescribed Drug Offenders) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Investigation (Covert Operations) Act
Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) (Blood Testing for Diseases) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Character Evidence) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Suspended Sentences) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law Consolidation (Assaults Causing Death) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law Consolidation (Sexual Offences - Cognitive Impairment) Amendment Bill
- 2014-06-04
Matters of Interest (2)
- Cycling Strategy for South Australia
- Darlington Interchange
- Defence Industry
Defence Shipbuilding
- Departmental Expenditure
- Departmental Investigations
- Development Assessment
- Digital Data
- Disability Accessible Car Parks
Disability Employment
Question Time (7)
- 2014-11-19
- Disability in All Policy
- Disability Information and Resource Centre
- Disability Services
Disability Unmet Need
Disability Workforce Planning
- 2014-12-03
- Dog and Cat Management
Domestic Violence
- 2014-05-21
- 2014-09-23
- 2014-10-16
Question Time (2)
Question Time (2)
Domestic Violence Inquiry
Personal Explanation (1)
Question Time (2)
Drivers, Disability
- Driving Offences
- Education Policies
Elder Electorate
- Electoral (Electronically Assisted Voting and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
Electoral (House of Assembly Casual Vacancies) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Legislative Council Voting Thresholds) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Legislative Council) (Optional Preferential Voting) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Limitation on Display of Electoral Advertisements) Amendment Bill
- Electoral Nomination Deposit
Electoral Reform
Emergency Services
- Emergency Services Levy
Employment Figures
Employment Opportunities
- 2014-10-15
Environment Protection Authority
Question Time (2)
Environment Protection Bilateral Agreement
- 2014-11-11
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee
Environment, Water and Natural Resources Department
- Environmental Defender's Office
Equal Pay Day
- Essential Services Commission
Evans, Hon. I.f.
Evidence (Journalists) Amendment Bill
Evidence (Protections for Journalists) Amendment Bill
- Export Industry
- Eyre Peninsula Grain Growers Rail Fund
- Eyre Peninsula Water Supply
- Fair Work (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Families SA
- Families SA Internal Audit
Family Relationships (Surrogacy) Amendment Bill
Farm Finance Package
Question Time (2)
- Feast Festival
Federal Budget
Ministerial Statement (1)
Question Time (3)
Matters of Interest (1)
Question Time (2)
Matters of Interest (2)
Matters of Interest (4)
- 2014-06-18
- 2014-10-14
Financial Services
- 2014-06-04
Matters of Interest (2)
- Finlaysons Women in Business
Finnigan, Hon. B.v.
- Fire and Emergency Services
- Fire Management Plans
- Fire Services
- Firefighters Compensation Review
- Fleurieu Peninsula Skills Training and Development
- Food Hub
Foodbank SA
Forest Water Licensing
- Forrest, Ms Caitlin
- Fort Largs
- Forum of Australian Chief Scientists
Free-Range Eggs
- 2014-11-12
Freedom of Information
- 2014-06-04
- 2014-11-13
- Freedom of Information (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Fruit Bats
Fruit Fly
Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology Department
- Gambling Advisory Committee
- Garage Sale Trail
Gender Policy
Question Time (2)
Genetically Modified Crops Management (Right to Damages) Amendment Bill
Gillman Land Sale
- Golden Grove
- Golden North
- Goss, Hon. W.k.
Government Boards and Committees
Government Consultants
- 2014-10-16
- Government Land
- Governor, Appointment
- Governor's Commission
- Governor's Speech
- Green Power
Greste, Mr Peter
- Group Training Awards
- Growth Through Innovation
Hanson Bay
- Health and Hospital Care
Health Budget
Ministerial Statement (1)
Question Time (1)
Ministerial Statement (2)
Question Time (2)
- 2014-11-12
- Hepatitis
Heysen Trail
- Higher Education
- Hillside Mine
Holmes, Mr Allan
- Homosexual Convictions
- Hon. Ms Lensink, Suspension
- Hopgood Theatre
- Hospital Waiting Times
Housing SA
- Housing Trust Triennial Review
- Hughes, Phillip
Humphrey Pump
Income Management
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption
Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Annual Report 2013-14
- Indigenous Affairs
Indigenous Jobs and Training Review
- 2014-12-03
- Indigenous Literacy and Numeracy
- Indigenous Suicide
- Industrial Relations Commission
Inner Metropolitan Area Development
- Innovation Voucher Program
Inquiry into Unconventional Gas
- International Day of Rural Women
International Day of the Girl Child
International Students
- International Workers Memorial Day
Introduction and First Reading
Job Creation
Joint Parliamentary Service Committee
- Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters
Jones, Mr Henry
- Joseph Seridis Trust Fund
- Justice Reform
Keep Australia Beautiful Sustainable Cities Awards
Question Time (2)
Kerin, Dr Paul
- KESAB Sustainable Communities Awards
Kitchen Gardens
- Kokatha Native Title Claim
- Korean Community
- Labor Government
Labor Party
Lady Kintore Cottages (Trust Property) Amendment Bill
Lake Albert Scoping Study
Lake Bonney
Land Acquisition
- Landcare
- Language and Literacy Skills
- Languages in Schools
- Late Night Trading Code of Practice
- Law Society Indigenous Support Programs
- Legends Football League
- Legislative Council
Legislative Council President
- 2014-05-22
- 2014-06-03
- 2014-11-20
- Legislative Council Sovereignty
Legislative Review Committee
- 2014-05-06
- 2014-05-21
Parliamentary Committees (2)
- 2014-06-18
- 2014-07-02
- 2014-08-06
- 2014-09-17
- 2014-09-24
- 2014-10-15
- 2014-10-29
- 2014-11-12
- 2014-11-19
- 2014-12-02
- 2014-12-03
- Legislative Review Committee: Partial Defence of Provocation
- Liberal Party
- Liberian Men of South Australia
- Library Committee
- Lifetime Support Scheme
- Limestone Coast
- Lincoln Minerals
- Liquor Licensing
- Listening and Surveillance Devices (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Live Music Industry
Local Government (Governance) Amendment Bill
- Local Government Elections
- Local Government Indigenous Representation
- Low Emission Vehicle Strategy
Lower Lakes Water Cycling Program
Macular Disease
- Maralinga Tjarutja Lands
- Marine Environment
Marine Parks
- 2014-06-18
- 2014-09-23
Question Time (7)
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- 2014-11-20
Marine Parks (Sanctuary Zones) Amendment Bill
Martindale Hall
- 2014-12-02
MATES in Construction
- 2014-06-18
Answers to Questions (1)
Motions (1)
- 2014-12-03
McLaren Vale Prescribed Wells
Question Time (2)
- Mechexpo
Medical Cannabis
- Medical Research Commercialisation Fund
- Medical Scientists
- Medical Technology Commercialisation
Member for Frome, Government Agreement
- 2014-05-06
- Member for Waite, Government Agreement
- Member's Leave
- Member's Remarks
- Members, New and Former
- Members, Swearing in
- Members' Remarks
Members' Vehicles
- 2014-06-04
Motions (2)
- 2014-12-03
- Meningococcal Disease
Mental Health Beds
Mining (Protection of Exempt Land from Mining Operations) Amendment Bill
- Mining and Drilling on Agricultural Land
- Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation
- Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation
Ministerial Staff
- 2014-08-06
- 2014-10-14
Mobile Enterprise Growth Alliance
- Modbury Vista Soccer Club
Modi, Hon. N.
- Mount Bold Reservoir
Mount Lofty Ranges Water Allocation Plan
Mount Lofty Summit Obelisk
- Mullighan Inquiry Recommendations
- Multicultural Unity for Domestic Violence Immunity
Murray-Darling Basin
- 2014-10-29
Murray-Darling Basin Authority
- Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council
Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- 2014-10-28
- Music Industry
National Disability Insurance Scheme
National Indigenous Consumer Strategy
National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and Their Children
- National Reconciliation Week
- National Research Network
- National School Chaplaincy Program
- National Science Week
- National TAFE Day
Native Vegetation
Question Time (2)
Natural Resources Committee
- Natural Resources Committee: Annual Report 2013-14
Natural Resources Management Boards
- Natural Resources Management Committees
- Nature Play SA
- Nature Play Week
- Nobel Prize Winners
- North Adelaide Police Station
- Northern Expressway
- Notices of Motion, Private Business
- Novita Children's Services
- Numberplate Recognition Cameras
- Nyrstar
- Occupational Licensing Legislation
Office for the Public Sector
- Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
- Oil and Gas Sector
- Oil Reserves
Olive Oil Industry
- Operation Flinders
- Order of Australia Award Recipients
- Our Watch
- Palestine
- 2014-05-06
- 2014-05-07
- 2014-05-08
- 2014-05-20
- 2014-05-21
- 2014-05-22
- 2014-06-03
- 2014-06-05
- 2014-06-17
- 2014-06-18
- 2014-06-19
- 2014-07-01
- 2014-07-02
- 2014-07-03
- 2014-07-24
- 2014-08-05
- 2014-08-06
- 2014-09-16
- 2014-09-17
- 2014-09-18
- 2014-09-23
- 2014-10-14
- 2014-10-15
- 2014-10-16
- 2014-10-28
- 2014-10-29
- 2014-10-30
- 2014-11-11
- 2014-11-12
- 2014-11-13
- 2014-11-18
- 2014-11-19
- 2014-11-20
- 2014-12-02
- 2014-12-03
- 2014-12-04
- Parliament, Proroguing
Parliamentary Calendar
Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Annual Report 2013-14
Parliamentary Committees (Electoral Laws and Practices Committee) Amendment Bill
Pastoral Board
Pastoral Industry Management
Pastoral Land Management and Conservation (Renewable Energy) Amendment Bill
- Pathways to Employment
- Penalty Rates
Petroleum and Geothermal Energy (Hydraulic Fracturing) Amendment Bill
Planning Regulations
- Plumbing Industry
- Poker Machines
- Police Aboriginal Treatment
- Police Staffing
- Police Suicide Prevention Training
- Pollution Licensing
- Portfolio Responsibilities
- Prawn Fishing Industry
- Premier's Climate Change Council
Premier's Council for Women
- President, Election
- Primary Industry Cooperatives
Printing Committee
- Private Irrigation Infrastructure Program
- Private Members' Business
Public Finance and Audit (Treasurer's Instructions) Amendment Bill
- Public Sector Enterprise Agreement
- Public Service Employees
- Public Transport
Question Time Sessional Order
Questions on Notice Standing Orders
Racial Discrimination Legislation
- Radioactive Waste
- Reclaim the Night
- Refugee Week
- Regional Development Fund
Regional Employment
- 2014-06-19
Regional South Australia
- Remembrance Day
- Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy Initiatives
Renewable Energy Target
Ministerial Statement (1)
Question Time (1)
- Residential Tenancies Tribunal
Responsible Gambling Awareness Week
- 2014-06-04
- Retail and Commercial Leases
- Retail Sector
Return to Work Bill
- 2014-09-24
- 2014-10-14
- 2014-10-15
- 2014-10-16
- 2014-10-28
Bills (2)
- 2014-11-11
- Returned and Services League Virtual War Memorial
- Rex Minerals
- Ride2work Day
- River Murray Fishways
- Riverland Cabinet
- Riverland Redevelopment
- Riverland Sustainable Futures Fund
- Rodney Clavell
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide Charitable Trust (Membership of Trust) Amendment Bill
- Royal Adelaide Hospital Construction Site Incident
- Royal Adelaide Show Incident
- Royal Commission into the Safety and Welfare of at Risk Children
- SA Power Networks
SA Water
SA Water Contracts
- 2014-08-06
- Sammy D Foundation
- Sant Balbir Singh Seechewal
Save the River Murray Fund
- Scam Activity
- Schaefer, Hon. C.v.
School Chaplains
School Violence and Bullying
- 2014-06-04
Matters of Interest (2)
- Science Research and Innovation
Seafood Industry
- 2014-06-04
- 2014-09-16
- 2014-10-16
- Seagrass
Second Reading
Bills (6)
- The Hon. T.A. FRANKS, The Hon. T.A. FRANKS
- The Hon. M.C. PARNELL, The Hon. M.C. PARNELL
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. G.A. KANDELAARS, The Hon. T.A. FRANKS, The Hon. T.A. FRANKS
- The Hon. T.A. FRANKS, The Hon. T.A. FRANKS
- The Hon. M.C. PARNELL, The Hon. M.C. PARNELL
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. G.A. KANDELAARS, The Hon. T.A. FRANKS, The Hon. T.A. FRANKS
- Second-Hand Motor Vehicles
Select Committee on Dogs and Cats As Companion Animals
Select Committee on Electoral Matters in South Australia
Parliamentary Committees (2)
- 2014-11-19
Select Committee on Sale of State Government Owned Land at Gillman
- Select Committee on Statutory Child Protection and Care in South Australia
- Self-Harm Indicators
- Seniors Housing Grant
Service SA
- Sessional Committees
Sexual Reassignment (Recognition Certificates) Amendment Bill
Sexual Reassignment Repeal Bill
Shack Sites
Site Contamination, Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park
Question Time (13)
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. S.G. WADE, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. S.G. WADE, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. S.G. WADE, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
Ministerial Statement (2)
Question Time (23)
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. S.G. WADE, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. S.G. WADE, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. K.L. VINCENT, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. T.A. FRANKS, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. K.L. VINCENT, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- 2014-11-18
- 2014-11-19
- 2014-12-04
Site Contamination, EPA Notification
Site Contamination, Hendon Area
Ministerial Statement (1)
Question Time (13)
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. T.J. STEPHENS, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.A. DARLEY, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. J.A. DARLEY, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
Sittings and Business
- Skill Shortages
- Skilled Migrants
- Skills Development
Skills for All
- 2014-09-24
Skills for Jobs in Regions
- Small Business
Small Business Commissioner
- Small Venues Licence
- Smoke-Free Outdoor Eating Areas
- Snakes
Snowtown Wind Farm
Social Development Committee
- Social Development Committee: Recidivist Young Offenders and Youth Parole Board Act Review
Social Development Committee: Sale and Consumption of Alcohol
- Solar Energy
Solar Feed-In Tariff
South Australian Economy
South Australian Employment Tribunal Bill
- South Australian Research and Development Institute
South Australian Tourism Assets
- South Australian Tourism Commission Board
- South Australian Waste Strategy
South East Flows Restoration Project
- South Eastern Freeway
- South Parklands Dry Zone
- South-East Asia Engagement Strategy
- South-East Asia Trade
South-East Drainage System
- 2014-05-21
- 2014-07-02
- Southcott, Heather
- Southern Roads
- Southern Suburbs Parks
- St John's Youth Services
- St Paul's Creative Centre
Stamp Duties (Off-The-Plan Apartments) Amendment Bill
- Standing Committees
- Standing Orders
- Standing Orders Committee
Standing Orders Suspension
State Budget
- 2014-06-18
- 2014-11-12
State Development Department
State Election
Matters of Interest (1)
Motions (2)
- 2014-06-04
- 2014-06-18
Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) Bill
- 2014-11-12
- 2014-11-13
- 2014-11-20
Bills (2)
Statutes Amendment (Energy Consumers Australia) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Legal Practitioners) Bill
Statutes Amendment (SACAT) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Superannuation) Bill
- Statutory Authorities Review Committee
Statutory Officers Committee
- 2014-05-06
- 2014-07-02
- 2014-08-06
Parliamentary Committees (1)
- Resolutions
STEM Skills
- Stojan, Mr J.
Stolen Generations (Compensation) Bill
- Stormwater Australia National Awards for Excellence
Students, Disability
Succession to the Crown (Request) Bill
Such, Hon. R.b.
Suicide Prevention
- 2014-05-07
Motions (2)
Question Time (2)
- 2014-06-19
- 2014-09-17
- 2014-09-18
- 2014-10-16
- 2014-11-12
- 2014-11-13
- 2014-11-18
- 2014-11-19
- Suicide Prevention Conference
Supply Bill 2014
Bills (2)
- 2014-06-17
- 2014-06-19
- 2014-07-24
- Support Act
Surveillance Devices Bill
Question Time (8)
- TAFE Sa/university Collaboration
Taxation Reform
- Teachers Registration Board
Technical and Further Education Inquiry
- Technological Entrepreneurs
Teen Body Image
Question Time (2)
Tertiary Education and Training
- Third Reading
- Tourism
Toxfree Australia Pty Ltd
- Transport Safety Initiatives
Travel Agents Repeal Bill
- Treasury Portfolio
- Uber Transport Booking Service
Unconventional Gas
Matters of Interest (1)
Question Time (1)
Matters of Interest (2)
Question Time (2)
Unemployment Figures
- University Fees
University of Adelaide
- Unlicensed Car Dealers
- Urban Myth Theatre
Urban Water Management
- Valedictories
- VET Training
- Veterans' Stamp Duty Concessions
- Victims of Crime Act
- Victor Harbor Road
- 2014-05-06
- 2014-05-20
- 2014-05-21
- 2014-05-22
- 2014-08-06
- 2014-09-25
- 2014-10-15
- 2014-10-29
- 2014-11-13
- 2014-11-20
- 2014-12-02
Vocational Education and Training
- Vocational Education and Training Recruitment Agents
- Voices of Women Board
- Volunteer Firefighters, Workers Compensation
Waite, Mr Peter
- Wakefield Region Pipeline Upgrade
- Wankangurru/yarluyandi Native Title Claim
Waste Levies
- 2014-07-03
- Water and Sewerage Charges
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Commissioner for Kangaroo Island Bill
Second Reading
Adjourned debate on second reading.
(Continued from 16 October 2014.)
The Hon. J.A. DARLEY (12:35): I rise very briefly to speak on the Commissioner for Kangaroo Island Bill. The bill proposes to establish a commissioner who will be a statutory officer responsible for coordinating and using existing public servants and programs in existing departments, but with a regionalisation of policy formation and service delivery. Amongst other things, the commissioner will have the power to establish local advisory boards, assist with improving the local economy of Kangaroo Island and helping to create employment and other opportunities from tourism or other industry programs on the island, and to develop management plans dealing with delivery of government projects and services to Kangaroo Island.
I have to say from the outset, like the Hon. David Ridgway and other members of the opposition, I am somewhat perplexed as to why we need a commissioner to fulfil the responsibilities of existing ministers and heads of departments. What the bill highlights is that, like many regional areas, the needs of Kangaroo Island, one of our most iconic tourist attractions, and the needs its residents have for many years have been ignored by the government. I am not talking about any fanciful or far-fetched wish list but about the timely delivery of basic essential services that residents can expect to receive in any given community.
Time and again we hear the government spruiking about a whole-of-government approach, yet time and time again we are confronted with examples where government ministers, government departments and government agencies do not seem to have any idea of what the other is doing. Put simply, the right hand is not talking to the left hand. Instead of focusing on establishing commissioners, this government needs to be ensuring that its ministers and its departments are doing the jobs they are tasked with in a coordinated approach. It is not rocket science!
Instead of spending more money on creating a new body, it would also have seemed more plausible to ask the question of whether some of these responsibilities could have been referred to the newly-appointed state Coordinator-General for action. I do not know whether any consideration was given to this, but I would ask that the minister provide some feedback on this question.
It would take quite a bit of convincing to get me to support this bill, not because I do not believe that Kangaroo Island does not warrant attention (or even extra attention), but because the government should already be ensuring that it is receiving the attention it deserves, much like our other regional districts. I have considered the opposition's amendments and I support the alternative measures that are being proposed.
The Hon. K.L. VINCENT (12:38): I speak today on behalf of Dignity for Disability against the second reading of this bill. Dignity for Disability does so after very careful consideration, and with appreciation of the support that the majority of Kangaroo Island residents in particular have expressed for this bill. I would like to thank the persons of Kangaroo Island for expressing those opinions, either to my office or publicly, and I certainly understand their perspective and that they want the very best for their island and for everyone who calls KI home.
I would particularly like to thank the mayor of Kangaroo Island, Ms Jayne Bates, for making the time to come and meet with me here at Parliament House, and also to Matt Kandelaars from the Deputy Premier's office for arranging a briefing with my office, and Kristina Roberts, the General Manager of the Kangaroo Island Futures Authority. However, in spite of these briefings and impassioned pleas to support this bill, and acknowledging once again that there are the numbers on this floor today to pass the bill regardless of Dignity for Disability's opposition, we cannot support the establishment of a Kangaroo Island commissioner.
Let me elaborate as to why. We cannot, on principle, support it at a cost to taxpayers of around $1 million, when the same government will not support the establishment of a disability services commissioner, nor enshrine in legislation a community visitor scheme for people with disability, nor pass other pieces of legislation to protect some of the most vulnerable members of our community living with disability.
The argument that Kangaroo Islanders have significant problems in integrating local, state and commonwealth government services may well be a very valid one, but I can assure you that the disability community has its own share of economic, social and systematic issues, and I would argue that they are far more serious. Given that one in five of us live with disability, I would argue that these issues affect more of us.
Kangaroo Island and its 4,600 residents (or thereabouts) are important members of the South Australian community—and I want to make that very clear—but they are not more important than the 300,000 South Australians with disabilities that range from mild to profound. According to the briefing my office received, 47 per cent of the 4,600 islanders currently live on the mainland. While poverty, illiteracy and the transport mobility challenges associated with living on an island are important, the fact that half of the islanders commute between the island and the mainland demonstrates, I believe, a reasonable level of wealth.
I am sure that people who are stuck on the island and those with disabilities, those with low literacy levels and those with limited job prospects need support but I do not know that a commissioner for Kangaroo Island is going to solve this, at least not alone. I think a management plan to thread the 1,000 plus services available could be established without a commissioner. I think relevant government services, whether it is the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) at commonwealth level, or the health department at a state level, or the Kangaroo Island Council for rubbish removal, for example, should provide relevant services in a relevant and collaborative manner.
I also note that I find this Kangaroo Island commissioner move particularly interesting, given that when I queried my colleague in this place, the Hon. Ian Hunter, the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation, about disability services or health services or education services for people in the APY lands, I am told that it is the Minister for Disability, say, not the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs who is in charge of providing services. It seems that the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs is not responsible for ensuring that services provided to APY lands residents are done in an integrated fashion. Why then is it an appropriate answer for Kangaroo Island? Why isn't the Minister for Social Housing responsible for ensuring that KI housing is relevant to islander needs? Why isn't the disability minister charged with ensuring high standards of disability services are being provided on the island?
I call on members to also remember that some 45 per cent of people with disability currently live at or below the poverty line Australia-wide and that this same community is between four and seven times more likely to be sexually or physically abused in their lifetime than non-disabled peers. Kangaroo Islanders, as a whole, face no such shocking statistic, as far as I am aware. We need protections and commissioners in the disability community long before we establish a commissioner for one region of South Australia.
I think the potential vulnerability and social disadvantage of people with disability (in the Indigenous communities in particular) far outweighs the challenges that Kangaroo Island faces at this time and, for this reason, on behalf of Dignity for Disability, I cannot support this bill. I understand that this may be disappointing to some members here in the chamber today and to some members of the public, and I understand that I have a broad role as a member of parliament to represent, as best I can, the needs of all communities whom I do my best to represent. However, on certain issues, I believe that it is right for me to stand up and protect and attempt to enshrine the rights of my core constituency—that is, people with disabilities—and I do so today.
The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills, Minister for Science and Information Economy, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Business Services and Consumers) (12:45): I believe that there are no further contributions to the second reading and I thank honourable members for their contributions. We know that Kangaroo Island has been assessed as having an untapped potential as an internationally recognised tourism asset and also a premium agriculture producer.
We are well aware in this place, and it has been well documented, of the significant challenges that the island faces in terms of its population, access to transportation and infrastructure issues. They are serious challenges, and serious efforts need to be made to assist the island's sustainability. It has been proposed to establish a commissioner for Kangaroo Island. There are many examples of governance structures that could afford a whole-of-government approach to coordinating efforts on Kangaroo Island; however, in relation to timely delivery of government services, we have chosen this commissioner for Kangaroo Island model.
The commissioner will be a statutory officer responsible for coordinating and using existing public servants and programs in existing departments but with the regionalisation of policy formation and service delivery in accordance with set statutory functions. As outlined, the commissioner's principal administrative responsibility will be to develop management plans dealing with the delivery of government projects and services to the island, of course subject to extensive consultation with both government and the local community.
Again, I thank members for their second reading contributions and look forward to expediting this through the committee stage.
Bill read a second time.
Committee Stage
In committee.
Clauses 1 and 2 passed.
Clause 3.
The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY: I move:
Amendment No 1 [Ridgway–1]—
Page 3, lines 16 to 18 [clause 3, definition of responsible Minister, (c)]—Delete paragraph (c)
I have three groups of amendments to move. This is a test clause for a number of amendments relating to the role of council in the Commissioner for Kangaroo Island Bill. The other two amendments are in relation to consultation with the local member and also a sunset clause, but I will deal with this one first.
It seems strange, Mr Chair, to the opposition that we have a democratically elected body on Kangaroo Island, that is, the local council—I know you have some property interests there and are good friends with a number of the local councillors—and that you would effectively allow this commissioner to override the council and take away that democratic right.
In a sense, it may have been better to do away with the council and have a commissioner and not have both. There seems to be duplication and, if you are going to have duplication, it is the opposition's view that council should not be able to be overridden by the Kangaroo Island commissioner. They have been democratically elected.
We are right in the middle of council elections and, as a matter of fact, I was looking at the percentages of votes cast across the state, and I think Kangaroo Island is doing as well as anywhere, if not a little bit better than some of the other areas, so the community is certainly interested in their local community and interested in having a voice.
Given that we are approaching 1 o'clock, I will not delay things any longer by speaking any more, other than to ask members to consider supporting this amendment because it will certainly allow the democratically-elected councillors to have a more significant role than if the bill is passed in its current form.
The Hon. R.L. BROKENSHIRE: Family First has considered this amendment as part of the quite involved and in-depth consideration we had on the whole bill, and I advise the house that we cannot support this amendment because—
The Hon. D.W. Ridgway: Democracy; you are stepping over it, crushing it.
The CHAIR: Order, the Hon. Mr Ridgway!
The Hon. R.L. BROKENSHIRE: We cannot support this amendment and we will be voting with the government on this, and the reason is that the council has taken a lead role in supporting the whole concept of a KI commissioner. I have worked with a very broad range of people on Kangaroo Island on a very broad range of issues and no-one has come to me and said that they have any concern that local government is going to be undermined as a result of this bill.
In fact, the council, as I understand it—and I have had written and verbal correspondence with them—are strongly supportive. They are not at all fearful of the commissioner taking over. They want to work cooperatively and collaboratively with the commissioner and, because of the complexities and dynamics of Kangaroo Island, the fact remains that this council, as a small council with pretty significant demands on it, wants the support of the commissioner.
I would have to say that having worked with mayor Jayne Bates for years, she has been actively out there consulting with the community and working with her council—both with her councillors and the paid staff. I have confidence in the advice I have received from mayor Jayne Bates, and I believe that they are very satisfied with this clause as it stands.
The Hon. B.V. FINNIGAN: I oppose the amendment. I think the Liberal Party's approach to this whole bill seems to be, 'It's our seat and we'll cry if we want to and that it's is not for the government to do something on Kangaroo Island because that is Liberal territory.' I cannot see any other rationale for the approach they are taking. We have here an amendment, we have the honourable Leader of the Opposition saying, 'You should not be creating a commissioner for Kangaroo Island,' and then in the same breath saying, 'But, if you are, you may as well get rid of the council too.'
This bill does not create an administrator for Kangaroo Island, it is not becoming a separate territory; it is simply a mechanism to assist in ensuring the best delivery of government services but, particularly, to ensure that Kangaroo Island's tourist industry thrives.
The Hon. J.A. DARLEY: As I indicated in my second reading speech, I will be supporting all the opposition's amendments.
The Hon. G.E. GAGO: The government opposes these amendments for the reasons outlined by the Hon. Bernie Finnigan. As I indicated, the island has been identified as having enormous potential. It is facing significant challenges that affect its ability to be able to thrive in a sustainable way. If it is to have a future it needs a much more coordinated across-government approach. The model that we are proposing, we believe, is balanced and the best model to deliver that level of coordination. Considerable consultation has occurred with this. It is well supported by people on the island and it has been identified as being the best model for these sets of circumstances. So, I would be urging members to give Kangaroo Island a go and to support the government's bill as it stands.
Amendment negatived; clause passed.
Clauses 4 and 5 passed.
Clause 6.
The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY: I move:
Amendment No 5 [Ridgway–1]—
Page 4, line 15 [clause 6(3)]—After 'Kangaroo Island Council' insert:
the member of the House of Assembly whose electoral district includes Kangaroo Island
This amendment is to give the effect that the minister, when appointing a commissioner, must consult with the local member on that appointment. I note that the bill provides:
The Minister must undertake consultation (in such manner as the Minister thinks fit) with the Kangaroo Island Council and the people of Kangaroo Island in relation to any proposed appointment under this section.
It would seem to make sense that if we are looking to spend $1 million a year to support Kangaroo Island, and there will always be a locally elected member of the House of Assembly, it would make sense that that person be at least consulted on the appointment of a commissioner. I could not see why anybody would not want to at least consult on it. It does say, 'The Minister must undertake consultation (in such manner as the Minister thinks fit),' so there is a reasonable amount of latitude there. It certainly seems that it will be important to have this commissioner working closely and, if you like, collaboratively with the local member. So, to have that level of consultation, we think, is a very important amendment.
The Hon. R.L. BROKENSHIRE: I advise, after deliberating the amendment, that Family First will not be supporting this amendment. It is consistent with what we have always said, including the ICAC appointment, where, at the end of the day, on these sorts of appointments I believe the government of the day—and it does say it here quite clearly that, 'The Minister must undertake consultation (in such manner as the Minister thinks fit) with the Kangaroo Island Council and the people of Kangaroo Island,' so there is flexibility there—
The Hon. D.W. Ridgway interjecting:
The Hon. R.L. BROKENSHIRE: No; this is my point: number one, the local member is absolutely opposed to the whole concept.
The Hon. D.W. Ridgway interjecting:
The Hon. R.L. BROKENSHIRE: Let us put it on the public record: the local member is absolutely opposed to this concept. I know this for a fact because I have seen documentation and I have talked to the people on Kangaroo Island. So, I do not understand, if you are opposed to a concept, why you would want, in any way, to have an involvement in the appointment process.
The second thing I always say is that if you give the government the responsibility of the appointment and that appointment is no good then you can go out and attack the government for putting the wrong person in the position. But I do not think you can have a bob each way. I do not think you can say on the one hand, 'I don't like this. This is a crock and it's a waste,' and so on and so forth, and then say, 'But hang on a minute, I actually want to have some input into the appointment process.'
As a matter of principle, on these appointment processes, irrespective of whether the local member does or does not agree with what is happening, that is for the local member to decide and the community makes its decision as well. The reality is that we do not believe in the process of individual MPs, or parties, or whatever, being involved in these sorts of appointment processes. Rather, you become the watchdog and if the government makes a mistake then you actually blame and point out that mistake to the government, the media and whoever else you want. So, we cannot support this amendment.
The Hon. G.E. GAGO: The government opposes this amendment. The opposition is just seeking to undermine this legislation; it is obvious that they do not support it and now they are trying to amend it in a way that will make the thing cumbersome and unworkable. As the Hon. Robert Brokenshire has pointed out, the appointment process is outlined in the legislation. It is quite clear. The minister must undertake consultation in a manner that the minister thinks fit with Kangaroo Island Council and the people of Kangaroo Island in relation to any proposed appointment under this section. There is a clear definition there. This position is about the coordination of government services, and it is appropriate that an appointment be done in this way. The opposition is just seeking to unpick this as best they can to make it as unworkable as possible.
The Hon. M.C. PARNELL: The Greens will not be supporting this amendment either. The Hon. Rob Brokenshire named it, in relation to the current member of the House of Assembly whose electoral district includes Kangaroo Island. He did want it and railed against it, and now there is this last ditch attempt to try to put him in the legislation as a compulsory consultee.
We do need to look at it beyond just the current member; he will not be the current member forever. However, I still think, even removing the personalities from it, that it does not make sense to mandate it in this way. Personally, I would be surprised if there was not a broad consultation, but I do not think it is necessary in legislation to mandate that local member. As we all know, all of us represent Kangaroo Island, everyone of us here; our electorate includes Kangaroo Island. Are they going to consult all of us? I think it is a bit of a slippery slope to start nominating particular members of parliament when, in fact, all of us here in this chamber represent that area. If we are going to go down that path we would need to add 22 other names to list of people who must be consulted.
The Hon. G.E. GAGO: I have already spoken, but I will take this opportunity to respond to the question the Hon. Mr Darley raised in terms of consideration of using the Coordinator-General's role. We did have a look at that, we looked at a whole range of different governance models to work out the most suitable for this case, and it was decided that the Coordinator-General's role is quite a different role. It is responsible for the coordination of just infrastructure projects over $3 million, and obviously the role of the commissioner is much broader than just considering infrastructure. Of course, it is designed in a way to have that very close and special relationship with the local community, which we believe is needed in relation to regional response. It is for that reason we chose this model, and the model has been supported by the Kangaroo Island Council. It is deemed to be the most appropriate.
Amendment negatived.
Progress reported; committee to sit again.
Sitting suspended from 13:04 to 14:15.