Legislative Council - Fifty-First Parliament, Third Session (51-3)
2009-10-13 Daily Xml



The Hon. C.V. SCHAEFER (15:02): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the minister representing the Minister for Primary Industries a question on the sale of university properties.

Leave granted.

The Hon. C.V. SCHAEFER: I was informed yesterday, and I believe that an announcement was made on the ABC today, that the University of Adelaide has made a decision to sell the Martindale, Munduney and Moralana properties. These properties were all bequeathed to the Waite Institute, as it was then, by the Mortlock family and Mr J. Davies, respectively. They are under the care of an independent board of management and have traded at a consistent profit.

The company which manages these properties also manages the farm on Roseworthy Campus, and the plant, machinery and workforce have been used in both places in order to maintain viable economies of scale. Part of Martindale also houses a flock of sheep under licence to an international company for the specific purpose of producing serum for snake antivenene, which is exported worldwide. My questions are:

1. Was the government consulted prior to the decision to sell these properties?

2. Is it the belief of the government that Adelaide University has breached the intent of these legacies?

3. What reason was given for the sale?

4. When will the sale take place, and what will the proceeds be used for?

5. Will employees be offered redundancy packages?

6. Will the sale of Martindale make the operation of the Roseworthy farm unviable?

7. Has the government received any information with regard to finding another location for the antivenene flock or, indeed, any advice as to whether this operation will be moved from South Australia?

The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY (Minister for Mineral Resources Development, Minister for Urban Development and Planning, Minister for Small Business) (15:04): In relation to that, I am not sure whether the appropriate minister for handling that would be the Minister for Agriculture or whether it would be the Minister for Further Education because, clearly, it is the university that owns these properties. Obviously, what they can do with it would be part of the charter under which those properties were bequeathed, but I was certainly not aware of any proposal.

In relation to Roseworthy, the honourable member would probably know that one of the areas earmarked for expansion, through the 30-year plan, is the area around the township of Roseworthy. I know that Adelaide University sees that as an opportunity for that particular campus to be greatly strengthened and expanded, so it would go beyond just the agricultural activities. With a larger number of people living in the area, the facilities at Roseworthy would be an ideal location for further education in that region, and I know the university has been looking at that. So, I do not think the honourable member need have any concerns about the future of that campus; indeed, with the 30-year plan provisions it should be enhanced.

In relation to the first part of the question, regarding Martindale Hall, I will probably refer that to the Minister for Employment, Training and Further Education to see whether he can get any further information from the university about that matter.