Legislative Council - Fifty-First Parliament, Third Session (51-3)
2009-06-02 Daily Xml



The Hon. DAVID WINDERLICH (15:17): I have a much less exciting supplementary question. What proportion of the water for the new development will come from the River Murray, and what proportion will come from other sources?

The PRESIDENT: I do not think the minister mentioned water.

The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY (Minister for Mineral Resources Development, Minister for Urban Development and Planning, Minister for Small Business) (15:17): In relation to water, clearly that is an issue that the government has been considering at length and will be answering in its water security statement when it is made. Obviously, if we are going to increase the size of the desalination plant to 100 gigalitres per year—which is half of all the water consumed in the metropolitan area—any increase in housing will be well catered for, without putting pressure on existing sources, by the development of that desalination plant, which will be available within the next 18 months or so. Of course, the particular reservoir or any particular type of water an individual development will take is a matter for SA Water, and it will depend on what is most convenient.

In relation to growing demand, this government will have not only 100 gigalitres, which is about half the current supply available through desalination, but also greater use of both stormwater stored in aquifers for alternative uses and also treated water for parks and gardens, and the like, and potential industrial use. Clearly, the amount of water we will be using from the River Murray overall in coming years will be greatly reduced. The sort of detail in which the honourable member is interested will be available when the government makes its water security statement.