- Appropriation Bill
- Australian Energy Market Commission Establishment (Consumer Advocacy Panel) Amendment Bill
- Blowes, Mr T.r., Death
- Campaign Costs
- Children in State Care Apology
- Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Classification Process) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Casual Vacancies) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Controlled Drugs, Precursors and Cannabis) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Possession of Prescribed Equipment) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Victims of Crime) Amendment Bill
Drugs, Roadside Testing
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
- Fair Work Act
- Health Care Bill
- Lake Eyre Basin (Intergovernmental Agreement) (Ratification of Amendments) Amendment Bill
- Monitored Treatment Programs Bill
- National Parks and Wildlife (Mining in Sanctuaries) Amendment Bill
- Peak Oil
- Pipi Fishing Quota
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
- Public Trustee
- Select Committee on the Selection Process for the Principal at the Elizabeth Vale Primary School
- Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia (Review) Amendment Bill
- Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy) Bill
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science) Bill
Summary Offences (Drug Paraphernalia) Amendment Bill
- 2007-11-21
- Video Camera Theft
WorkCover Corporation
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- World's Greatest Shave
AIDS Council of South Australia
- Attorney-General
Child Protection
- Children in State Care
- Drug Education
Drug Treatment Centres
- Foster Carers
- Legislation
- Liquor Licensing Hours
Manock, Dr C.
Pill Testing Kits
Plastic Bags
- Police Attendance
- Police Stations, New
- Schools, Truancy
Tobacco Law Compliance
WorkCover Corporation
- 2008-04-03
- Youth, Residential Drug Rehabilitation Programs
BROKENSHIRE, Robert Lawrence
- Speeches
- Questions
DARLEY OAM, John Andrew
- Appropriation Bill
- Blowes, Mr T.r., Death
- Car Theft
- Darley, Hon. J.A.
- Evans, Hon. A.L.
- Learner Drivers
- Pay-Roll Tax (Harmonisation Project) Amendment Bill
- Plastic Shopping Bags (Waste Avoidance) Bill
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science) Bill
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Questions
DAWKINS, John Samuel Letts
- Appropriation Bill
- Blowes, Mr T.r., Death
- Business Enterprise Centres
- Country Press SA Awards
- Evans, Hon. A.L.
- Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
- Gawler Train Service
- Health Care Bill
- Rail Safety Bill
- Regional Development Boards
- Select Committee on the Selection Process for the Principal at the Elizabeth Vale Primary School
- Social Development Committee: Gestational Surrogacy
Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy) Bill
- 2008-06-18
- Supply Bill 2008
- Voluntary Euthanasia
- Volunteer Fundraising
- Work for the Dole
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
Adelaide Hills Motorcycling Road Safety Strategy
- 2008-02-27
Beulah Park Fire Station
- 2008-02-12
- 2008-04-01
Child Abuse Line
Country Fire Service, Riverland
Housing Policy
- Level Crossings
- Mawson Lakes
Metropolitan Fire Service
- Murray River Ferries
- Oakden Nursing Home
- Pedestrian Safety
- Police, Super Local Service Areas
Regional Development Boards
- Regional Development Boards and Business Enterprise Centres
- Regional Development Infrastructure Fund
- Regional Impact Assessment Statements
Rural Property Addressing Standard
- Salisbury Police Station
Sturt Highway
Suicide Prevention
EVANS OAM, Andrew Lee
- Collections for Charitable Purposes (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Double Jeopardy) Amendment Bill
- Drugs, Roadside Testing
- Environment Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Evans, Hon. A.L.
- Fair Work Act
- Health Care Bill
- Human Cloning
- Mercy Ministries
- Murray River Irrigators
- Paradise Community Services
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
- Private Parking Areas (Penalties) Amendment Bill
- Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia (Review) Amendment Bill
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Voluntary Euthanasia
- Women's and Children's Hospital
- Alcohol Consumption
- Amata Drug Rehabilitation Centre
Black-Flanked Rock Wallabies
- Cannabis Crops
- Carbon Credits
- Children, Smacking
- Drug Policy
- Emergency Housing
- Goulburn Valley Water
- Hazardous Household Waste
- Kangaroo Island
- Mental Health Beds
- Montana Meth Project
- Native Fish
- Needle Exchange Program
- Tier 3 Child Protection
- Transport Emissions
FINNIGAN, Bernard Vincent
- Adelaide Park Lands (Facilitation of Development of Victoria Park) Amendment Bill
- Appropriation Bill
- Blowes, Mr T.r., Death
- Community Events
- Constitution (Casual Vacancies) Amendment Bill
- Edible Estates
- Evans, Hon. A.L.
- Fair Work Act
- Independent Commission Against Crime and Corruption Bill
- Kennedy, Mr R.F.
- Liberal Party
- Nuclear Waste Storage Facility (Prohibition) (Prohibition of Other Nuclear Facilities) Amendment Bill
- Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Committee
- Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Committee: Workplace Injuries and Death
- Palestinian State
- Passenger Transport (Disciplinary Powers) Amendment Bill
Select Committee on Allegedly Unlawful Practices Raised in the Auditor-General's Report, 2003-2004
Select Committee on Pricing, Refining, Storage and Supply of Fuel in South Australia
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy) Bill
- Statutory Authorities Review Committee
- Statutory Authorities Review Committee: Annual Report
- Statutory Authorities Review Committee: Medical Board of South Australia
- Stolen Generations
- WorkChoices
- WorkCover Corporation
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Young Australians in Kenya
- Alcohol Consumption
- APY Lands, Mineral and Petroleum Exploration
- BankSA Crime Stoppers
- Community Road Safety Groups
- Correctional Services Volunteers
- Country Fire Service Volunteers
- Crime Gangs Task Force
Emergency Services Volunteers
- Hoon Driving
- Kanmantoo Mining Lease
- Leukaemia Foundation
Level Crossings
- Marine Parks
- Mclean, Prof. J.
- Minda Farm Dam
Mineral Exploration
- Mineral Resources
- Mount Lofty Botanic Gardens
- Naracoorte Caves
- National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council
- Offender Community Service
- Petroleum Exploration
- Police Stations, New
- Police, Performance
Road Safety
- Roxby Downs
- Smith, Sgt M.
State Emergency Service
- TravelSmart Innovation Fund
- Whyalla and Districts Community Road Safety Group
- Young Achiever of the Year Award
GAGO, Gail Elizabeth
- Adelaide Festival Centre Trust (Financial Restructure) Amendment Bill
Ambulance Service
- Australian Work-Life Index
- Blood Lead Levels
- Blowes, Mr T.r., Death
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Container Deposit Legislation
- Desalination Plants
- Dowie, Mr J.
Environment Protection (Board of Authority) Amendment Bill
- 2008-04-01
Environment Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2008-07-03
Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Glenside Hospital, Illicit Drugs
- GP Plus Emergency Hospitals Taskforce
- Health and Medical Research
Health Care Bill
Lake Eyre Basin (Intergovernmental Agreement) (Ratification of Amendments) Amendment Bill
- 2008-02-12
Liquor Licensing (Certificates of Approval) Amendment Bill
Makk and McLeay Nursing Home
- Marble Hill
- Marine Parks Bill
- Marjorie Jackson-Nelson Hospital
- Member for MacKillop
- Mental Health Bill
- Metropolitan Hospital Efficiency and Performance Review
- Murray River
- Natural Resources Committee
- Plastic Shopping Bags (Waste Avoidance) Bill
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
Private Parking Areas (Penalties) Amendment Bill
- Renal Services
- Ring Cycle
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
- SA Water Charter
- Save the River Murray Fund
- Stamp Duties (Trusts) Amendment Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Advisory Panels Repeal) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Police Superannuation) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy) Bill
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science) Bill
- Tobacco Law Compliance
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Water Incentives Package
- Water Restrictions
- Water Security
- Women's and Children's Hospital
- WorkCover Corporation (Governance Review) Amendment Bill
- Abortions
Adelaide Coastal Waters Study
- 2008-03-05
- Aged-Care Facilities
AIDS Council of South Australia
- Alcohol Consumption
- Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park
Amata Drug Rehabilitation Centre
- Animal Welfare
- Animal Welfare Advisory Committee
- BHP Desalination Plant
- Biodiversity Conservation
Black-Flanked Rock Wallabies
- Campanella, Mr C.J.
Carbon Credits
- Child Protection
- Chronic Pain Management
- Cleland Wildlife Park
Climate Change
Conservation Parks
- Conservation Resources
- Controlled Burns
- Controlled Medication
Controlled Substances Act
- Controlled Substances—Precursor Drugs
- Coronial Inquests
- Counselling Services
Deep Creek
- Desalination Plants
- Drug Education
- Drug Policy
Drug Treatment Centres
- Drugs Summit
- Dryland Salinity Management
- Duck Hunting
Electronic Waste
Encounter Marine Park
- Endangered Birds
- Environment Protection Authority
- Environmental Monitoring
- Field River Valley
- Financial Reporting
Fleurieu Peninsula Swamps
- Flood Mitigation
- Flora and Fauna
- Friends of Northern Women's General Group
Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- 2008-04-03
- 2008-06-18
Glenside Hospital Rural and Remote Unit
Glenside Hospital, Illicit Drugs
- Goulburn Valley Water
- Great Artesian Basin
- Greenhouse Targets
- Guide Dogs
- Hallett Cove Conservation Park
- Hazardous Household Waste
- Healthy Young Minds Program
- Henry, the Sea Lion
- Heritage Areas and Tourism
Heritage Preservation
- Heysen Trail
HIV Rates
- Hospital Beds
James Nash House
- Kangaroos
Lake Bonney Turtles
- Landscape Futures Project
Lead Levels
- Legislation
Local Government Amalgamations
Marble Hill
- Marine Habi
Marine Parks
Maritime Heritage
Mental Health
Mental Health Beds
- Mental Health Response Services
- Mining Sector
Ministerial Travel
- Montana Meth Project
- Mount Lofty Botanic Gardens
- Naracoorte Caves
- National Packaging
- Native Fish
- Native Flora
- Native Vegetation Council
- Natural Heritage Education
- Natural Resources Committee: Deep Creek
Natural Resources Management
- Nature Conservation
Needle Exchange Program
Newport Quays
- Ngaut Ngaut Conservation Park
Oakden Nursing Home
- Olympic Dam
- Parrakie Wetlands
- Payday Lending
Perpetual Lease Freeholding Program
Pill Testing Kits
Plastic Bags
- Port Augusta, Medical Transfer
- Port Hughes Development
- Port Noarlunga Aquatic Reserve
- 2007-11-14
Regional Development Boards
- Regional Development Boards and Business Enterprise Centres
- Regional Development Infrastructure Fund
- Riverland Parks
- Rodeos
Schoolies Week
- 2008-06-17
- Solar Energy Rebate Scheme
- Solid Waste Levy
- St Margaret's Rehabilitation Hospital
- Stock Starvation
Suicide Prevention
- Suicide, Assisted
- Supported Residential Facilities
- The Woolshed
Tobacco Advertising
Tobacco Law Compliance
- Tourism Operator, Innamincka
- United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
- Upper South-East Drainage Scheme
- Victoria Park Redevelopment
- Waste Minimisation
Waste Recycling
- Waste Strategy
- Water Allocations
- Water Infrastructure
Water Supply
- Whyalla Health Impact Study
- Women in Leadership
- Women's Safety
World Environment Day
- Youth, Residential Drug Rehabilitation Programs
Zero Waste SA
GAZZOLA, John Mario
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Annual Report
- Blowes, Mr T.r., Death
- Emergency Telephone Number
- Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
- Grant District Council
- Indigenous Success Stories
Legislative Review Committee
- Liberal Party Federal Leadership
- Publishing Committee
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy) Bill
- Biodiversity Conservation
- Cleland Wildlife Park
- Geological Survey
- Golden Grove Extractive Industries Zone
- Investment, Hong Kong
- Marine Habi
- Marine Parks
- Multiculturalism
- Ngaut Ngaut Conservation Park
- Petroleum Exploration
- River Torrens Linear Park
- SAFECOM Advisory Board
- Stansbury Marina
- Tobacco Advertising
- Volunteer Marine Rescue
- Waste Recycling
- Women, Emergency Services Sector
- Women's Safety
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee
- Adelaide Festival Centre Trust (Financial Restructure) Amendment Bill
- Alexander, Mr P.
Appropriation Bill
- 2008-06-18
- 2008-07-22
APY Lands Inquiry
- Ash Wednesday Bushfires
Auditor-General's Report
Australian Energy Market Commission Establishment (Consumer Advocacy Panel) Amendment Bill
- Bail (Discretion) Amendment Bill
- BHP Desalination Plant
- Blowes, Mr T.r., Death
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
- Budget Outcome
- Cabinet Reshuffle
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Children in State Care
- Children in State Care Apology
Children in State Care Inquiry
- Civil Liability (Food Donors and Distributors) Amendment Bill
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Classification Process) Amendment Bill
Controlled Substances (Controlled Drugs, Precursors and Cannabis) Amendment Bill
Controlled Substances (Drug Detection Powers) Amendment Bill
- 2008-04-08
- 2008-06-17
Controlled Substances (Possession of Prescribed Equipment) Amendment Bill
- Copper Coast District Council
- Crimes, Mr E.H.
Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Victims of Crime) Amendment Bill
- 2007-11-22
- 2008-02-26
Criminal Law Consolidation (Double Jeopardy) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law Consolidation (Rape and Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill
- Dangerous Offenders
- Darley, Hon. J.A.
- Desalination Plants
- Development (Political Donations) Amendment Bill
- Drugs, Penalties
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
Electricity (Feed-In Scheme—Residential Solar Systems) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Evans, Hon. A.L.
Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- 2008-04-03
- 2008-05-01
- Gladstone Explosion
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Industrial Relations Commissioner
- Interest Rates
- Justice System
- Kingston, Charles Cameron, Exhumation
- Landlord and Tenant (Distress for Rent—Health Records Exemption) Amendment Bill
Legal Profession Bill
- Legislative Council Vacancy
- Legislative Review Committee
Local Government (Superannuation Scheme) Amendment Bill
- Marathon Resources
Member's Remarks
- Mineral Exploration
Mitsubishi Motors
- Motorcycle Gangs
- Murray-Darling Basin
National Electricity (South Australia) (National Electricity Law—Miscellaneous Amendments) Amendment Bill
National Gas (South Australia) Bill
- Northern Expressway
- Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare (Penalties) Amendment Bill
- Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Committee
- Paedophile Register
Pay-Roll Tax (Harmonisation Project) Amendment Bill
- Peak Oil
- Planning Reform
- Police Handguns
- Police Resources
- Police, Whyalla
- Port Waterfront Redevelopment
- Prostate Cancer
- Queen's Counsel
Rail Safety Bill
- Rape and Sexual Offences
Road Traffic (Heavy Vehicle Driver Fatigue) Amendment Bill
Santos Limited (Deed of Undertaking) Bill
- Schacht, Mr C.
- Security Intelligence Section
- Select Committee on SA Water
- Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia (Review) Amendment Bill
Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
Sittings and Business
- Solar Feed-In Laws
- South Australia Police
- Stamp Duties (Trusts) Amendment Bill
Standing Orders Suspension
- State Strategic Plan
Statute Law Revision Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Advisory Panels Repeal) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Budget 2008) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Ethical Investment—State Superannuation) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Evidence and Procedure) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Police Superannuation) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Public Order Offences) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Real Property) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Victims of Crime) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Young Offenders) Bill
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science) Bill
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Taxation Administration) Bill
- Statutory Authorities Review Committee
Statutory Officers Committee
- Stolen Generations
- Summary Offences (Indecent Filming) Amendment Bill
Supply Bill 2008
- Tasers
- Torrens Title
- TransAdelaide Derailments
- TransAdelaide Governance
- TrustPower
- Veterans Affairs Minister
- Victims of Crime (Commissioner for Victims' Rights) Amendment Bill
- Water Billing
- Water Security
- Whyalla Steelworks
- WorkChoices
WorkCover Corporation
- WorkCover Corporation (Governance Review) Amendment Bill
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- 2008-04-10
Xenophon, Hon. N.
- Youth Justice Reforms
- Aboriginal Interpreters
Adelaide City Council
- Adelaide Metropolitan Coast Park
- Administrative and Information Services Department
- Ageing Population
- Alcohol Consumption
- Alcopops Tax
- Angaston Railway Station
- APY Lands, Mineral and Petroleum Exploration
- Arson
Aspen Group
- Attorney-General
Attorney-General, Travel
Auditor-General's Report
- Bail Conditions
- BankSA Crime Stoppers
- Barossa Railway
Better Development Plans
- Bikie Gangs
Bradken Foundry
- Brimble Inquest
- Buckland Park
Building Energy Efficiency Standards
- Building Surveyors
- Bushfire Arson
- Cairn Hill
- Cannabis Crops
Caravan, Tourist and Residential Parks
- Carbon Neutral Economy
Cheltenham Park Racecourse
Child Abuse Line
- Child Protection
Children in State Care Inquiry
- 2008-04-10
- Children, Smacking
Clipsal Site
Coastal Protection Zone
- Community Passenger Networks
- Component Unloading Facility
Computer Systems
- Cooper Basin
- Copper Coast District Council
Crime Gangs Task Force
Crime Prevention Unit
Criminal Court Delays
- Criminal Law Consolidation Act, Prosecutions
Deputy Premier's Office
Desalination Plants
- Drought Counsellors
- Drug Convictions
- Drug Policy
Drugs, Penalties
Drugs, Supply
- Employment
- Energy, Star Rating
- Environment Protection Authority
- Equine Influenza
- Exclusive Brethren
- Football Hooliganism
Freedom of Information
Frequent Flyer Points
- Gaming Machines
- Gang of 49
- Geological Survey
- Giant Cuttlefish
Glenthorne Farm
- Golden Grove Extractive Industries Zone
- Government Geology Anniversary
- Grain Handling
Greater Mount Gambier Master Plan
- Groundwater Sampling
- Hallett Cove
Hicks, Mr D.
Hills Face Zone
- Hoon Driving
- Horseracing
Housing Policy
- Infrastructure Investment
- Investment, Hong Kong
Judicial Sentencing
- Judiciary, Appointments
- Judiciary, Education
- Judiciary, Salaries
- Kangaroo Island
- Kangaroo Island, Water
Kanmantoo Mining Lease
- Kudla-Gawler Urban Boundary
- Labor Party Policy
- Land Title
- Land Valuations
- Laser Pointers
- Legislation
- Leukaemia Foundation
- Life Jackets
Liquor Licensing Hours
- 2008-06-17
Manock, Dr C.
Marathon Resources
- Mawson Lakes
- Minda Farm Dam
Mineral Exploration
Mineral Resources
Mining Sector
Ministerial Staff
Ministerial Travel
- Mitsubishi
Mitsubishi Motors
Motorcycle Gangs
- Mount Gambier
- Murray River
Myponga/Sellicks Hill Wind Farm Development
- National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council
- Neighbourhood Watch
- Newport Quays
- Ombudsman
- OPEL Broadband Network
Open Space and Places for People Grants
- Operation Mandrake
- Operation Streambank
- Operation Swede
- Petrol-Electric Hybrid Cars
Petroleum Exploration
- Pharmacy Robberies
- Planning and Development Fund
Planning Regulations
- Police Arrest Warrants
- Police Attendance
- Police Complaints Authority
- Police Corrections Section
- Police Disciplinary Tribunal Hearings
Police Drug Detection Dogs
- Police Employees
Police Handguns
Police Headquarters
- Police Housing
- Police Incident
Police Plane
- Police Recruitment
Police Resources
- 2008-02-14
- 2008-04-01
- 2008-07-22
- Police Selection
Police Stations, New
Police Tattoo
- Police Training
Police, APY Lands
Police, Coober Pedy
Police, Indigenous Employees
Police, Performance
- Police, Regional Staffing
Police, Super Local Service Areas
- Police, Whyalla
Policing Strategies
Political Donations
- Port Augusta Land
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Professional Standards Bill
- Protection of Children
- Public Advocate
- Public Sector Reform
- Public Transport
- Racing Industry
- Rail Revitalisation
- Rainwater Tanks
- Regional Impact Assessment Statements
- Regional Planning
Replies to Questions
River Torrens Linear Park
- Rowan, Ms D.
- Roxby Downs
Royal Adelaide Hospital
- SA Water Building
- SafeWork SA
- Salisbury Police Station
- Searcy Bay
- Sentencing and Parole Periods
Sexual Abuse Offences
- Sexual Assault, Prosecutions
- Shark Patrols
- Soccer
Sporting Facilities
- Sports Funding
St Dimitrios Church
- Stamp Duty
- Stansbury Marina
State Library
- 2008-07-29
Stolen Property
- Storm Damage
- Strike Oil Limited
- Suspended Sentences
- Taxation
- Taxis, Country
Teachers, Industrial Action
Trade Missions to Italy
- Tram Barn Site
- Transport Department Inquiry Line
- Transport Emissions
- Transport, Energy and Infrastructure Department
- University College London
Urban Land Supply
- Vehicle Security
Victoria Park Redevelopment
- Video Games
Violent Crime
- Wallaroo Development
- West Beach Trust
Whyalla Steelworks
WorkCover Corporation
- WorkCover Rehabilitation Providers
- WorkCover, SAPOL Liability
- Working Women's Centre
Xenophon, Hon. N.
- 2007-10-25
- Yalata Police Station
- Young Achiever of the Year Award
HOOD, Dennis Garry Edward
Alcohol Consumption
- Appropriation Bill
- Australian Energy Market Commission Establishment (Consumer Advocacy Panel) Amendment Bill
Bail (Discretion) Amendment Bill
- 2008-05-07
- Blowes, Mr T.r., Death
- Broadband Network
- Children in State Care Apology
- Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Classification Process) Amendment Bill
- Computer Games
- Controlled Substances (Controlled Drugs, Precursors and Cannabis) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Cultivation of Controlled Plants) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Drug Detection Powers) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Abolition of Suspended Sentences for Subsequent Serious Offences) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Victims of Crime) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Double Jeopardy) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Rape and Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill
- Evans, Hon. A.L.
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
Judicial Sentencing
- Legal Profession Bill
- Motor Vehicles (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- National Gas (South Australia) Bill
- Nuclear Waste Storage Facility (Prohibition) (Prohibition of Other Nuclear Facilities) Amendment Bill
- Palestinian State
- Parliamentary Service, Disabled
- Passenger Transport (Disciplinary Powers) Amendment Bill
Public Transport
- Rail Safety Bill
- Right to Life Australia Incorporated
- Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
Sittings and Business
- Statutes Amendment (Budget 2008) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Ethical Investment—State Superannuation) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Minimum Sentences) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Public Order Offences) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Victims of Crime) Bill
- STEM Cell Research
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Indirect Orders) Amendment Bill
- Training and Skills Development Bill
- Victims of Crime (Commissioner for Victims' Rights) Amendment Bill
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Abortions
- AIDS Council of South Australia
- Amata Drug Rehabilitation Centre
- Angaston Railway Station
- Arson
- Barossa Railway
- Bushfire Arson
Child Abuse Line
Child Protection
- Criminal Law Consolidation Act, Prosecutions
- Drug Convictions
- Drug Policy
Drugs, Penalties
Emergency Housing
- Football Hooliganism
Freedom of Information
- Groundwater Sampling
- Guide Dogs
- HIV Rates
- Housing Trust
- Judicial Sentencing
- Judiciary, Salaries
- Life Jackets
- Local Government Amalgamations
- Mitsubishi
- Mitsubishi Motors
- Needle Exchange Program
- Operation Swede
- Parole Board
- Pharmacy Robberies
- Pill Testing Kits
- Police Arrest Warrants
- Preaching Permits
- Protection of Children
- Rail Revitalisation
- Rainwater Tanks
- Rear-Vision Cameras
- Sentencing and Parole Periods
Sexual Abuse Offences
- Sexual Assault, Prosecutions
- Speed Cameras
- Stamp Duty
Stolen Property
- Suicide Prevention
- Suicide, Assisted
- Suspended Sentences
Tourism Advertising
- Training Centres, Magill and Cavan
- Video Games
- Water Infrastructure
- Water Supply
HUNTER, Ian Keith
- Bill of Rights
- Blowes, Mr T.r., Death
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Desalination Plants
- Environment Protection (Commissioner for the Environment) Amendment Bill
- Exclusive Brethren
- Federal Government Ministerial Accountability
- Genetically Modified Crops Management (Extension of Controls) Amendment Bill
- Genetically Modified Crops Management (Right to Damages) Amendment Bill
- International Panel on Climate Change
Landlord and Tenant (Distress for Rent—Health Records Exemption) Amendment Bill
- Marble Hill (Protection) Bill
Mercy Ministries
- National Parks and Wildlife (Mining in Sanctuaries) Amendment Bill
- Parliamentary Service, Disabled
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
Select Committee on Collection of Property Taxes by State and Local Government, Including Sewerage Charges by SA Water
- Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
Social Development Committee
- Social Development Committee: Gestational Surrogacy
- Social Development Committee: South Australian Certificate of Education
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy) Bill
- Stolen Generations
- Voluntary Euthanasia
- Waterworks (Making of Restrictions) Amendment Bill
- WorkChoices
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Adelaide Metropolitan Coast Park
- Ageing Population
Conservation Parks
- Conservation Resources
- Ectotherms
- Endangered Birds
- Flora and Fauna
- Government Geology Anniversary
- Henry, the Sea Lion
- Heritage Areas and Tourism
- Heritage Preservation
- Heysen Trail
- HIV Rates
- Infrastructure Investment
Marine Parks
- Mental Health
- Mental Health Response Services
Mining Sector
- Native Flora
- Natural Heritage Education
- Nature Conservation
- Offender Development Building
Open Space and Places for People Grants
- Operation Streambank
- Pedestrian Safety
- Planning and Development Fund
- Regional Planning
- Riverland Parks
- Road Safety
- Schoolies Week
- Solariums
- Tobacco Advertising
- Waste Minimisation
KANCK, Sandra Myrtho
- Abortions
- Aged-Care Facilities
- Alcohol Consumption
- Appropriation Bill
- Blowes, Mr T.r., Death
- Children in State Care Apology
Constitution (Casual Vacancies) Amendment Bill
- 2008-07-29
- Controlled Substances (Controlled Drugs, Precursors and Cannabis) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Palliative Use of Cannabis) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Rape and Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Reasonable Chastisement of Children) Amendment Bill
- Desalination Plants
- Development (Political Donations) Amendment Bill
- Electricity (Feed-In Scheme—Residential Solar Systems) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Commissioner for the Environment) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Coastal Development
- Evans, Hon. A.L.
- Fair Work Act
- Food (Labelling—Genetically Modified Products) Amendment Bill
- Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
- Genetically Modified Crops
- Genetically Modified Crops Management (Extension of Controls) Amendment Bill
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Health Care Bill
- Heritage Preservation
- Independent Commission Against Crime and Corruption Bill
- International Panel on Climate Change
Irrigation Buyback
- Lake Bonney
- Local Government (Notice of Meetings) Amendment Bill
- Marble Hill (Protection) Bill
- Marine Parks Bill
- Motorcycle Gangs
- Motorsport
Murray River
- National Electricity (South Australia) (National Electricity Law—Miscellaneous Amendments) Amendment Bill
- National Gas (South Australia) Bill
- National Parks and Wildlife (Mining in Sanctuaries) Amendment Bill
- Natural Resources Committee: Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board
- Natural Resources Committee: Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management
- Nuclear Waste Storage Facility (Prohibition) (Prohibition of Other Nuclear Facilities) Amendment Bill
Palestinian State
- Parliamentary Service, Disabled
- Passenger Transport (Disciplinary Powers) Amendment Bill
Peak Oil
- Penola Pulp Mill Authorisation Bill
- Pipi Fishing Quota
- Port Waterfront Redevelopment
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
- Right of Assembly Bill
- Security and Investigation Agents (Crowd Controller Licence Suspension) Amendment Bill
- Select Committee on Impact of Peak Oil on South Australia
Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
- Sittings and Business
- Sleeper Weeds
- South Australia Police
- Statutes Amendment (Ethical Investment—State Superannuation) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Public Order Offences) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Young Offenders) Bill
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science) Bill
Statutory Authorities Review Committee: Medical Board of South Australia
- Summary Offences (Drug Paraphernalia) Amendment Bill
- Tobacco Products Regulation (a Smoke-Free Adelaide) Amendment Bill
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Indirect Orders) Amendment Bill
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Prohibition on Smoking in Children's Recreational Parks) Amendment Bill
- Training and Skills Development Bill
- Urban Trees
- Voluntary Euthanasia
Water Allocations
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Aboriginal Housing and Welfare
- Adelaide City Council
- Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park
- Bail Conditions
Better Development Plans
- Bicycle Initiatives
- Bicycle Safety Initiatives
Building Energy Efficiency Standards
- Campanella, Mr C.J.
- Copper Coast District Council
- Dangerous Offenders
Deep Creek
- Drug Driving
Fleurieu Peninsula Swamps
- Friends of Northern Women's General Group
- Glenside Hospital Rural and Remote Unit
- Infringement Notices
- James Nash House
- Judiciary, Education
- Kangaroo Island, Water
- Kangaroos
- Kingfish Escapes
Lake Bonney Turtles
- Land Title
- Lead Levels
- Marble Hill
Mental Health Beds
- Motorcycle Gangs
- Parrakie Wetlands
- Petrol-Electric Hybrid Cars
Police Stations, New
- Port Augusta, Medical Transfer
- Port Hughes Development
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- School Crossing, Nairne
- St Margaret's Rehabilitation Hospital
- State Library
- Stock Starvation
- TAFE Adelaide South
- Taxation
Teachers, Industrial Action
- Urban Land Supply
- Wallaroo Development
- Water Allocations
- WOMADelaide
- Working Women's Centre
LAWSON RFD KC, Robert David
- Adelaide Airport Hotel Complex
- Appropriation Bill
- Atkinson, Hon. M.J.
- Blowes, Mr T.r., Death
- Budget and Finance Committee
- Climate Change
- Constitution (Casual Vacancies) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Controlled Drugs, Precursors and Cannabis) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Double Jeopardy) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Rape and Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill
- Easling, Mr T.
- Evans, Hon. A.L.
Fair Work Act
- Independent Commission Against Crime and Corruption Bill
- Industrial Relations Commissioner
- Judicial Sentencing
- Justice System
- Landlord and Tenant (Distress for Rent—Health Records Exemption) Amendment Bill
Legal Profession Bill
- Legislative Council
- Legislative Council Vacancy
- Liquor Licensing (Certificates of Approval) Amendment Bill
- Marble Hill (Protection) Bill
- Member's Remarks
- Palestinian State
- Port Waterfront Redevelopment
- Private Parking Areas (Penalties) Amendment Bill
- Santos Limited (Deed of Undertaking) Bill
- Statute Law Revision Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Advisory Panels Repeal) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Evidence and Procedure) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Public Order Offences) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Real Property) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Victims of Crime) Bill
- Supply Bill 2008
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- WorkCover Corporation (Governance Review) Amendment Bill
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Aboriginal Interpreters
- AIDS Council of South Australia
APY Lands
- Bushfires
- Climate Change
- Controlled Substances—Precursor Drugs
- Coronial Inquests
Crime Prevention Unit
Criminal Court Delays
- Disability Services
- Flood Mitigation
- Freedom of Information
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Hicks, Mr D.
- Judicial Sentencing
- Judiciary, Appointments
- Neighbourhood Watch
Oakden Nursing Home
- Ombudsman
Planning Regulations
Plastic Bags
Police Tattoo
Policing Strategies
- Professional Standards Bill
- Public Advocate
- University College London
- Wangary Fires
WorkCover Corporation
Xenophon, Hon. N.
LENSINK, Jacqueline Michelle Ann
- Alcohol Consumption
- Appropriation Bill
- Blowes, Mr T.r., Death
- Controlled Substances (Cultivation of Controlled Plants) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Possession of Prescribed Equipment) Amendment Bill
Desalination Plants
- Development (Political Donations) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Board of Authority) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Commissioner for the Environment) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Coastal Development
- Evans, Hon. A.L.
Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Health Care Bill
- International Panel on Climate Change
- Lake Eyre Basin (Intergovernmental Agreement) (Ratification of Amendments) Amendment Bill
Marble Hill (Protection) Bill
- National Parks and Wildlife (Mining in Sanctuaries) Amendment Bill
- Nuclear Waste Storage Facility (Prohibition) (Prohibition of Other Nuclear Facilities) Amendment Bill
- Palestinian State
- Penola Pulp Mill Authorisation Bill
- Port Waterfront Redevelopment
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
- Public and Environmental Health Act Regulations
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy) Bill
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science) Bill
- Summary Offences (Drug Paraphernalia) Amendment Bill
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Indirect Orders) Amendment Bill
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Outdoor Eating Areas) Amendment Bill
- Valedictories
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
Adelaide Coastal Waters Study
- Aged-Care Facilities
- Animal Welfare Advisory Committee
- Auditor-General's Report
- Bradken Foundry
- Bushfires
- Chronic Pain Management
- Community Corrections
- Controlled Burns
- Controlled Medication
Controlled Substances Act
Counselling Services
- Desalination Plants
- Drugs Summit
Electronic Waste
- Environment Protection Authority
- Fencing
Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- 2008-06-18
- Glenside Hospital Rural and Remote Unit
Glenside Hospital, Illicit Drugs
Glenthorne Farm
- Great Artesian Basin
- Hallett Cove Conservation Park
- Healthy Young Minds Program
- Heritage Preservation
- Hospital Beds
James Nash House
- Landscape Futures Project
- Marble Hill
- Marine Parks
Maritime Heritage
- Mental Health Beds
- Native Vegetation Council
Natural Resources Management
Newport Quays
Oakden Nursing Home
- Plastic Bags
- Port Noarlunga Aquatic Reserve
- Prisons
- Recycling
- Solar Energy Rebate Scheme
- Solid Waste Levy
- Supported Residential Facilities
- The Woolshed
- Waste Strategy
- Women in Leadership
- WorkCover Corporation
- Xenophon, Hon. N.
Zero Waste SA
LUCAS, Robert Ivan
Alcohol Consumption
Appropriation Bill
- Australian Energy Market Commission Establishment (Consumer Advocacy Panel) Amendment Bill
- Blowes, Mr T.r., Death
- Budget and Finance Committee
- Conlon, Hon. P.F.
- Controlled Substances (Drug Detection Powers) Amendment Bill
- Development (Political Donations) Amendment Bill
- Director of Public Prosecutions
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
- Evans, Hon. A.L.
- Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
- Health Budget
- Independent Commission Against Crime and Corruption Bill
- Liquor Licensing Hours
- Local Government (Superannuation Scheme) Amendment Bill
- National Electricity (South Australia) (National Electricity Law—Miscellaneous Amendments) Amendment Bill
- National Gas (South Australia) Bill
- Pay-Roll Tax (Harmonisation Project) Amendment Bill
- Political Tokenism
- Santos Limited (Deed of Undertaking) Bill
- Select Committee on Allegedly Unlawful Practices Raised in the Auditor-General's Report, 2003-2004
- Select Committee on Collection of Property Taxes by State and Local Government, Including Sewerage Charges by SA Water
- Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia (Review) Amendment Bill
- Social Development Committee: South Australian Certificate of Education
- St Dimitrios Church
- Stamp Duties (Trusts) Amendment Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Budget 2008) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Ethical Investment—State Superannuation) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Police Superannuation) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy) Bill
- Supply Bill 2008
WorkCover Corporation
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
Adelaide City Council
Aspen Group
Attorney-General, Travel
Auditor-General's Report
- Brimble Inquest
Children in State Care Inquiry
- 2008-04-10
Deputy Premier's Office
- Domiciliary Care SA
Drugs, Supply
- Families and Communities Department
- Families and Communities Minister, Travel
- Freedom of Information
Frequent Flyer Points
- Gaming Machines
Greater Mount Gambier Master Plan
- Housing Policy
Liquor Licensing Hours
Marathon Resources
Ministerial Staff
Ministerial Travel
- 2007-11-13
- Mitsubishi Motors
- Police Disciplinary Tribunal Hearings
Police Drug Detection Dogs
- Police Incident
Police Resources
- Police Stations, New
- Public Sector Reform
Replies to Questions
Road Safety
- 2008-04-09
St Dimitrios Church
State Library
- Tram Barn Site
PARNELL, Mark Charles
- Adelaide Park Lands (Facilitation of Development of Victoria Park) Amendment Bill
- Appropriation Bill
- Australian Energy Market Commission Establishment (Consumer Advocacy Panel) Amendment Bill
- Betancourt, Ingrid
- Blowes, Mr T.r., Death
- Children in State Care Apology
- Controlled Substances (Controlled Drugs, Precursors and Cannabis) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Drug Detection Powers) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Victims of Crime) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Double Jeopardy) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Rape and Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill
- Cullen, Prof. P.
- Darley, Hon. J.A.
Desalination Plants
Development (Political Donations) Amendment Bill
- 2008-07-29
- Electoral (Advertising Cost) Amendment Bill
- Electricity (Feed-In Scheme—Residential Solar Systems) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Board of Authority) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Commissioner for the Environment) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Coastal Development
- Evans, Hon. A.L.
- Fair Work Act
- Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
- Genetically Modified Crops Management (Right to Damages) Amendment Bill
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Health Care Bill
- Independent Commission Against Crime and Corruption Bill
International Panel on Climate Change
- Irrigation Buyback
- Kangaroo Culling
- Lake Eyre Basin (Intergovernmental Agreement) (Ratification of Amendments) Amendment Bill
- Landlord and Tenant (Distress for Rent—Health Records Exemption) Amendment Bill
- Legal Profession Bill
- Legislative Council
- Local Government (Superannuation Scheme) Amendment Bill
- Marble Hill (Protection) Bill
- National Electricity (South Australia) (National Electricity Law—Miscellaneous Amendments) Amendment Bill
- National Gas (South Australia) Bill
National Parks and Wildlife (Mining in Sanctuaries) Amendment Bill
Nuclear Waste Storage Facility (Prohibition) (Prohibition of Other Nuclear Facilities) Amendment Bill
- 2007-10-24
- Parliamentary Service, Disabled
- Parliamentary Superannuation Act
- Peak Oil
- Penola Pulp Mill Authorisation Bill
- Pipi Fishing Quota
Port Waterfront Redevelopment
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
- Private Parking Areas (Penalties) Amendment Bill
- Protection of Public Participation Bill
- Public Transport
- Public Trustee
- Rail Safety Bill
Select Committee on SA Water
Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
Sittings and Business
- South Australian Motor Sport (Construction of Permanent Buildings) Amendment Bill
State Cycling Strategy
- Statutes Amendment (Ethical Investment—State Superannuation) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Police Superannuation) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Public Order Offences) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Victims of Crime) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Water Conservation Target and Sustainable Water Resources) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Young Offenders) Bill
- Superannuation
- Survey Act Regulations
- Teachers, Industrial Action
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Indirect Orders) Amendment Bill
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Prohibition on Smoking in Children's Recreational Parks) Amendment Bill
- Training and Skills Development Bill
- Transport System
- Valedictories
- Victims of Crime (Commissioner for Victims' Rights) Amendment Bill
- WorkCover Corporation
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Adelaide Coastal Waters Study
- Auditor-General's Report
- Better Development Plans
- Buckland Park
- Caravan, Tourist and Residential Parks
- Carbon Credits
- Carbon Neutral Economy
Cheltenham Park Racecourse
- 2007-10-25
- Climate Change
- Component Unloading Facility
- Deep Creek
Desalination Plants
- Ectotherms
- Encounter Marine Park
- Energy, Star Rating
- Environment Protection Authority
- Exclusive Brethren
- Giant Cuttlefish
- Greenhouse Targets
Hills Face Zone
- Kanmantoo Mining Lease
- Lead Levels
Marathon Resources
Marble Hill
- Maritime Heritage
- Mining Sector
- Murray River
- Newport Quays
- Olympic Dam
Political Donations
- Public Transport
- Rowan, Ms D.
- Searcy Bay
- Strike Oil Limited
- Tram, Shared-Use Path
- Urban Land Supply
- Victoria Park Redevelopment
- Whyalla Health Impact Study
Whyalla Steelworks
RIDGWAY, David Wickham
- Adelaide Festival Centre Trust (Financial Restructure) Amendment Bill
- Appropriation Bill
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Children in State Care Apology
- Controlled Substances (Drug Detection Powers) Amendment Bill
- Crimes, Mr E.H.
- Darley, Hon. J.A.
- Evans, Hon. A.L.
Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
- Health Care Bill
- Peak Oil
- Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Application of Acts) Amendment Bill
- Santos Limited (Deed of Undertaking) Bill
- Select Committee on Staffing, Resourcing and Efficiency of South Australia Police
Sittings and Business
South Australia Police
- State Cycling Strategy
- Stolen Generations
- Supply Bill 2008
- Tobacco Products Regulation (a Smoke-Free Adelaide) Amendment Bill
- Training and Skills Development Bill
- Valedictories
- Vietnamese Veterans' Association
WorkCover Corporation
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Adelaide City Council
AIDS Council of South Australia
Auditor-General's Report
- Bradken Foundry
- Building Surveyors
Clipsal Site
Desalination Plants
- 2008-04-30
- 2008-07-22
- Gang of 49
- Housing Policy
- Kudla-Gawler Urban Boundary
- Labor Party Policy
- Level Crossings
Marathon Resources
Metropolitan Fire Service
Mineral Exploration
- Mineral Resources
Motorcycle Gangs
- Mount Gambier
Myponga/Sellicks Hill Wind Farm Development
- Operation Mandrake
- Police Complaints Authority
Police Headquarters
Police Resources
- 2008-02-14
- Police Stations, New
Police, Coober Pedy
Police, Indigenous Employees
- Police, Performance
Police, Super Local Service Areas
Royal Adelaide Hospital
- SA Water Building
- Transport, Energy and Infrastructure Department
Urban Land Supply
- Victoria Park Redevelopment
- Violent Crime
WorkCover Corporation
- WorkCover, SAPOL Liability
- World Environment Day
- Xenophon, Hon. N.
SCHAEFER, Caroline Veronica
- Appropriation Bill
- Blowes, Mr T.r., Death
- Cullen, Prof. P.
- Dairy Farming
- Daylight Saving
- Electricity (Feed-In Scheme—Residential Solar Systems) Amendment Bill
- Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
Genetically Modified Crops
- Health Care Bill
- Irrigation Buyback
- Natural Resources Committee: Annual Report
- Natural Resources Committee: Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board
- Natural Resources Committee: Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management Board
- Northern Flinders Ranges Health Services
Pipi Fishing Quota
- 2008-06-18
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
Select Committee on Families SA
- Select Committee on the Selection Process for the Principal at the Elizabeth Vale Primary School
- Social Inclusion
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy) Bill
- Supply Bill 2008
- Waterworks (Making of Restrictions) Amendment Bill
- Wool, Wine and
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- BHP Desalination Plant
Coastal Protection Zone
- Community Passenger Networks
- Country Fire Service
- Disability, Modification of Motor Vehicles
- Drought Counsellors
- Dryland Salinity Management
- Emergency Services Centre, Port Lincoln
- Employment
- Encounter Marine Park
- Financial Reporting
- Grain Handling
- Mental Health
- Natural Resources Committee: Deep Creek
Natural Resources Management
- OPEL Broadband Network
Perpetual Lease Freeholding Program
- Rodeos
- Storm Damage
- Taxis, Country
- Tobacco Advertising
- Tourism Operator, Innamincka
Trade Missions to Italy
- Upper South-East Drainage Scheme
Volunteer Marine Rescue
Water Supply
- Yalata Bus Service
- Yalata Police Station
STEPHENS, Terence John
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Annual Report
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Municipal Services Funding
- Adelaide Lightning
Adelaide Park Lands (Facilitation of Development of Victoria Park) Amendment Bill
- 2008-04-02
- Appropriation Bill
- Blowes, Mr T.r., Death
- Country Health Care Plan
- Evans, Hon. A.L.
- Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
- Government Initiatives
- Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Committee: Workplace Injuries and Death
- Real Estate Industry
- Select Committee on the Proposed Sale and Redevelopment of the Glenside Hospital Site
- South Australian National Football League
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy) Bill
- Statutory Authorities Review Committee: Annual Report
- Statutory Authorities Review Committee: Medical Board of South Australia
Victoria Park Redevelopment
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Alcopops Tax
- Cheltenham Park Racecourse
Crime Gangs Task Force
- Desalination Plants
- Driver's Licence Disqualification
- Equine Influenza
- Horseracing
- Maltarra Road Fencing
Mannum Ferry
- Metropolitan Fire Service
- Motorcycle Gangs
- Myponga/Sellicks Hill Wind Farm Development
- Open Space and Places for People Grants
- Police Employees
Police Handguns
- Police Housing
Police Plane
- Police Recruitment
Police Resources
- 2008-02-26
- Police Selection
Police Stations, New
- Police Training
Police, APY Lands
Police, Coober Pedy
Police, Performance
- Police, Regional Staffing
- Police, Whyalla
- Racing Industry
- Roadside Memorials
- Shark Patrols
- Soccer
Sporting Facilities
- Sports Funding
- Suicide Prevention
- Tarcowie and Laura Road Intersection
- Transport Department Inquiry Line
- Victoria Park Redevelopment
- Violent Crime
- WorkCover Corporation
WADE, Stephen Graham
- Appropriation Bill
- Bail (Discretion) Amendment Bill
- Blowes, Mr T.r., Death
- Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Classification Process) Amendment Bill
- Correctional Services (Application of Truth in Sentencing) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Victims of Crime) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Double Jeopardy) Amendment Bill
- Drugs, Roadside Testing
- Evans, Hon. A.L.
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Motor Vehicles (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Parliamentary Service, Disabled
- Public Trustee
- Road Traffic (Heavy Vehicle Driver Fatigue) Amendment Bill
- Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Public Order Offences) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Real Property) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Victims of Crime) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Water Conservation Target and Sustainable Water Resources) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Young Offenders) Bill
- Victims of Crime (Commissioner for Victims' Rights) Amendment Bill
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Aerial Firefighting
- Air-Cranes
- Animal Welfare
- APY Lands
- APY Lands Inquiry
- Auditor-General's Report
Beulah Park Fire Station
- Bushfires
- Children in State Care Inquiry
City Watchhouse
Country Fire Service
Country Fire Service Volunteers
Dangerous Offenders
- 2008-05-06
- Field River Valley
Fire Services
Fire Services Expenditure
- Firefighters
Fleet Vehicles
- Hicks, Mr D.
- King Street Bridge
Level Crossings
- Local Government Amalgamations
Mental Health Beds
- 2007-11-22
Metropolitan Fire Service
- Multiculturalism
- Payroll Tax
- Police Corrections Section
Police Prisons
Port Lincoln Prison
- Prisoner Numbers
- Prisoners, Tobacco Use
Road Safety
- Roads, Shoulder Sealing Program
Schoolies Week
- Smith Report
- Speed Limits
- State Emergency Service
Suicide Prevention
- Wangary Coronial Inquest Working Party
WORTLEY, Russell Paul
- Alcohol Consumption
- Appropriation Bill
- Australian Republic
- Blowes, Mr T.r., Death
- Community Service Organisations
- Controlled Substances (Cultivation of Controlled Plants) Amendment Bill
- Crimes, Mr E.H.
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Victims of Crime) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Rape and Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Coastal Development
- Evans, Hon. A.L.
- Fair Work Act
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Health Care Bill
- Irrigation Buyback
- Islet Transplantation Program
- Kidman Trail
- Lake Eyre Basin (Intergovernmental Agreement) (Ratification of Amendments) Amendment Bill
- Liberal Party
Natural Resources Committee
Natural Resources Committee: Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board
- Natural Resources Committee: Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management
- Natural Resources Committee: Natural Resources Management Boards
- Natural Resources Committee: Upper South-East Dry Land Salinity and Flood Management Act
- Obesity Epidemic
- Organ Donation
- Parliamentary Cricket Team
- Port Waterfront Redevelopment
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
- Regional South Australians
- Ride to Cure Diabetes
- Road Traffic (Heavy Vehicle Driver Fatigue) Amendment Bill
Select Committee on the Atkinson/Ashbourne/Clarke Affair
Select Committee on the Selection Process for the Principal at the Elizabeth Vale Primary School
- Solar Electric Bus
- Stamp Duties (Trusts) Amendment Bill
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Indirect Orders) Amendment Bill
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Outdoor Eating Areas) Amendment Bill
- Tourism Awards
- Walk to Cure Diabetes
WorkCover Corporation
- ANZAC Eve Youth Vigil
- Beulah Park Fire Station
- Bicycle Initiatives
- Bikie Gangs
- Cairn Hill
- Caravan, Tourist and Residential Parks
- Cheltenham Park Racecourse
- Cooper Basin
- Correctional Services Awards
- Country Fire Service
- Country Fire Service, Naracoorte
- Desalination Plants
- Duck Hunting
- Eid Al-Fitr
- Environmental Monitoring
- Fire Prevention
- Hallett Cove
- Housing Policy
- Laser Pointers
Metropolitan Fire Service
- Ministerial Council for Police and Emergency Management
- Muslim Reference Group
- National Packaging
- Offenders Aid and Rehabilitation Service
- Open Space and Places for People Grants
- Point Pearce Cemetery
- River Torrens Linear Park
- Road Safety
- Solariums
- Surf Life Saving Clubs
- Tobacco Law Compliance
- United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
- Urban Search and Rescue Task Force
- Waste Recycling
- Whyalla Steelworks
- World Environment Day
- Young Achiever of the Year Award
XENOPHON, Nicholas
ZOLLO, Carmelina
- APY Lands Inquiry
- Blowes, Mr T.r., Death
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Child Protection
Children in State Care Inquiry
- Collections for Charitable Purposes (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Correctional Services (Application of Truth in Sentencing) Amendment Bill
Drugs, Roadside Testing
- Early Childhood Development
Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
- Evans, Hon. A.L.
- Fire and Emergency Services Act Review
- Johnson, Mrs G.
- Motor Vehicles (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Penola Pulp Mill Authorisation Bill
- Pipi Fishing Quota
- School Closures
- Select Committee on Prince Alfred College Incorporation (Constitution of Council) Amendment Bill
Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia (Review) Amendment Bill
- State Cycling Strategy
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy) Bill
Training and Skills Development Bill
Wangary Coronial Inquest Working Party
- Wine Industry
- Aboriginal Housing and Welfare
Adelaide Hills Motorcycling Road Safety Strategy
- 2008-02-27
- Aerial Firefighting
- Air-Cranes
- ANZAC Eve Youth Vigil
APY Lands
- APY Lands Inquiry
Auditor-General's Report
Beulah Park Fire Station
Bicycle Initiatives
- Bicycle Safety Initiatives
Child Abuse Line
Child Protection
- Children in State Care
- Children in State Care Inquiry
City Watchhouse
- Community Corrections
- Community Road Safety Groups
- Correctional Services Awards
- Correctional Services Volunteers
- Counselling Services
Country Fire Service
Country Fire Service Volunteers
- 2008-04-30
- Country Fire Service, Naracoorte
Country Fire Service, Riverland
Dangerous Offenders
- Disability Services
- Disability, Modification of Motor Vehicles
- Domiciliary Care SA
- Driver's Licence Disqualification
- Drug Driving
- Eid Al-Fitr
Emergency Housing
- Emergency Services Centre, Port Lincoln
- Emergency Services Communications
Emergency Services Volunteers
- Families and Communities Department
- Families and Communities Minister, Travel
- Fencing
- Fire Prevention
Fire Services
Fire Services Expenditure
- Firefighters
Fleet Vehicles
- Foster Carers
- Hicks, Mr D.
- Housing Policy
- Housing Trust
- Infringement Notices
- King Street Bridge
- Kingfish Escapes
Level Crossings
- Maltarra Road Fencing
Mannum Ferry
- Mclean, Prof. J.
Metropolitan Fire Service
- Ministerial Council for Police and Emergency Management
Ministerial Staff
- Ministerial Travel
- Murray River Ferries
- Muslim Reference Group
- Offender Community Service
- Offender Development Building
- Offenders Aid and Rehabilitation Service
- Parole Board
- Payroll Tax
Pedestrian Safety
- Point Pearce Cemetery
Police Prisons
Port Lincoln Prison
- Preaching Permits
- Prisoner Numbers
- Prisoners, Tobacco Use
- Rear-Vision Cameras
Road Safety
- 2008-02-28
- 2008-05-07
- Roads, Shoulder Sealing Program
- Roadside Memorials
Rural Property Addressing Standard
- SAFECOM Advisory Board
- School Crossing, Nairne
- Schools, Truancy
- Smith Report
- Smith, Sgt M.
- Speed Cameras
- Speed Limits
State Emergency Service
Sturt Highway
- Surf Life Saving Clubs
- TAFE Adelaide South
- Tarcowie and Laura Road Intersection
- Tier 3 Child Protection
Tourism Advertising
- Training Centres, Magill and Cavan
- Tram, Shared-Use Path
- TravelSmart Innovation Fund
- Urban Search and Rescue Task Force
Volunteer Marine Rescue
- 2007-11-21
- Wangary Coronial Inquest Working Party
- Wangary Fires
- Whyalla and Districts Community Road Safety Group
- Women, Emergency Services Sector
- WorkCover Corporation
- Yalata Bus Service
- Young Achiever of the Year Award
The Hon. SANDRA KANCK (20:02): I move:
That this council—
1. Recognises the event known to the Palestinian people as Al-Nakba—the Catastrophe;
2. Affirms the special connection of Australia to the land of Palestine and the Palestinians;
3. Regrets the failure of both sides, over the last 60 years, to reach an agreement which guarantees justice and lasting peace for both Israelis and Palestinians; and
4. Calls for the rapid establishment of the State of Palestine within the 1967 borders in accordance with UN Resolution 242.
On 14 May 1948, the British mandate in Palestine expired and, at midnight, the Zionist movement, consistent with UN recommendations, declared large swathes of that land to be the State of Israel. In this coming week, on 15 May, Israel will celebrate 60 years of statehood and, for the Palestinians whose land was stolen, it will be a day of mourning for what they know as Al-Nakba (or, to translate it, 'the catastrophe').
That catastrophe did not happen overnight on 14 May 1948: it was more like an active volcano erupting violently from time to time. Zionist forces had commenced an ethnic cleansing program well before 14 May 1948, with 250,000 Palestinians having already been uprooted, displaced or killed by April 1948; so that is two weeks ahead of the Declaration of Independence.
However, things came to a head in 1948, and in that year more than 400 Palestinian villages were destroyed, with the residents either moved on or killed. Three-quarters of a million Palestinians were forced to flee their homes during 1948, and 10 per cent of the total male population was murdered. It is not surprising that the Palestinians refer to this as a catastrophe. This was ethnic cleansing on a large scale, not dissimilar to what we saw in the early 1990s with the fracturing of Yugoslavia. The people of Bosnia, at that time, were very lucky: the world saw what was happening and intervened. However, the world turned its head and looked the other way in 1948.
Palestinians were dispossessed of their land, internally displaced or exiled to surrounding nations, 720,000 of them fleeing to Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, and 60 years later they still have no right to return to their land. I point out that 96 per cent of the land now known as Israel and the Occupied Territories was owned by Palestinians in 1946. The UN decision in 1947 to carve up the land clearly envisaged that the Palestinians would have only 55 per cent of their land left after partition. Al-Nakba ensured that it was significantly less than that. Huge tent encampments sprung up, and 60 years on those camps, swelled by the events of 1967, have become the permanent residences of tens of thousands of internally displaced Palestinians, who are now refugees in their own land.
That the World Food Program is active in the occupied territories says much about the disadvantage of the Palestinian people. There is good reason for that international intervention. Subsequent to the Six-Day War, Israel annexed further land with the construction of illegal settlements. From 2002 onwards a further 15 per cent of agricultural land belonging to Palestinians has been annexed as a consequence of building what the Israelis call the 'separation wall', and which others, such as former US president Jimmy Carter, call the 'apartheid wall'.
Land dispossession by this method will only increase as the wall continues to be built. With a population of 3.5 million in the occupied territories, but without the land to grow their own food, coupled with the problem of denial of access to water, Palestinians are not able to produce enough food for themselves. This problem has been exacerbated by Israeli control of road transport routes, the banning of any sea trade through Gaza, and the restriction of food supplies into Gaza.
More than 80 per cent of the population in Gaza is now dependent on UN food aid. According to recent data from the World Health Organisation and UNICEF, over 40 per cent of Palestinian five year olds are anaemic, and nearly 76 per cent of children aged one to six years show signs of becoming vitamin A deficient. Using, I suppose, bureaucratese, 35 per cent of all Palestinian families are 'food insecure' and another 20 per cent are vulnerable to insecurity.
Despite the fact that the combined population of Israel and Palestine makes up 0.15 per cent of the world's population, in the history of the United Nations 5 per cent of the Security Council resolutions have been about Palestine; that is 33 times what ought to be expected for the population size. There have been related resolutions about Israel's attacks on Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon, but I have not included them in these figures. In addition to the Security Council resolutions, there have been resolutions and decisions of the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council and UNESCO.
That 1948 was a disaster for the Palestinian people is well illustrated by the 16 resolutions passed by the UN Security Council in 1948 alone. This represents a supreme irony, because much of the impetus to establish the United Nations and for the adoption of a convention on human rights sprang from the appalling treatment of Jewish people in World War II.
The decision was made by world powers in the 1940s to provide a homeland for the Jewish people, but it surprises me that the world imposed Israel on Palestinian land in the way that it did without thought to the consequences. After all, the world had seen the impact of colonisation for a couple of centuries.
It is interesting to compare the statistics for the two sides. There have been 1,648 Israelis killed in clashes since 1948; that is about 27 Israelis killed each year in these clashes. By contrast, around 400 Israelis are killed per annum on their roads. Meanwhile, compared to the 1,648 deaths over 60 years, in 1948 alone 13,000 Palestinians were killed. There have been 4,719 Palestinians killed in clashes with the Israelis since 2000. Since that time, Israeli forces have killed more than 29,300 Palestinians in refugee camps in Lebanon; 15,000 Palestinians and other Arab combatants and civilians during the 1967 war; and, in the Palestinian uprisings from 1988 through to 1996 and from 2003 to 2006, Israeli forces killed 2,939 Palestinians. Human rights groups have estimated that 80 per cent of those killed were civilians.
Up until a week ago (I checked this last night) 340 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli military this year. The ratio of deaths of Palestinians compared to Israelis in 40 years of fighting is something like 300:1. However, having statistics does not help when might is right, not morality.
I sometimes feel quite despairing when I hear or read what is going on—and for me that raises the question of what is going on now. What is going on now is systematic provocation. Last week the Left Bank was closed down for three days by Israel, because Israel was commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Day. For what the Israelis say were security purposes, all travel between West Bank towns was stopped, there was forced closure of all Palestinian public services, a ban on hospital procedures involving travel, and the prevention of visits to the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Having got that out of the way only three days ago, it is happening again, this time in anticipation, in a couple of days' time, of Israel's day to commemorate the 1,648 Israelis killed since 1948.
It would not be possible, despite all the history and even if it were desirable, to return the 5 million Jews who have emigrated from Europe and the US to what was Palestine, and so there is nothing to be gained by seeing this in black and white terms. In order to stop the bloodshed we have to find a solution that allows these two groups of people to live in peace. Former US Secretary of State, James Baker, in his foreword to Father Elias Chacour's book Blood Brothers (which I will lend to anyone who would like to read it), states:
To the fiercest partisans, all questions are answered in cold absolutes. There can be no forbearance, no balancing of costs and benefits, no tolerance, no respect for the other side, no mercy.
Yet forbearance, tolerance and respect will be required if the massive tensions in this tiny area in the world that have fuelled some of the world's major terrorist acts are to be resolved. While I condemn many of the Zionist actions of the past 60 years, I know, from my visit to Palestine last year, that there are some wonderful Israeli people who also recognise the injustices that have been perpetrated in that time. There are so many good people, such as those in the Israeli Committee Against House Demolition, the residents and supporters of the Oasis of Peace, Machsom Watch, Christian Action for Israel, Jews for Justice for Palestine—the list goes on and on, and I suspect that when eventually a decent peace can be brokered with Palestine as an independent state, we will hear many Israelis saying, 'Yes, I supported this all along but I wasn't brave enough to speak out.' Both Israeli and Palestinian communities have the right to exist within secure borders. As part of that, a separate and viable state of Palestine needs to be created, with equal sovereignty and equivalent inalienable freedoms and human rights.
In November 1967 the UN Security Council unanimously passed Resolution 242 (and that, of course, means Australia was involved) stating the principles for a just and lasting peace in the Middle East. There were two principles. The first was the withdrawal of Israeli troops from territories they had occupied six months earlier. That still has not happened, and that was in 1967—and it is, by the way, why the West Bank and Gaza are called the Occupied Territories. The second principle was:
Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every state in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognised boundaries free from threats or acts of force.
That has not happened either. The resolution then went on to affirm the necessity for achieving a just settlement of the refugee problem. However, 41 years after passage of the resolution, none of this has been achieved for the Palestinian people.
In 2002, at a meeting of the Arab League in Beirut, a proposal called the Arab Peace Initiative was developed. Although it was about normalisation of relations between all the Arab states and Israel, it was quite specific about Palestine. The initiative:
offered peace in exchange for the return of land, specifically that land captured during the war in 1967;
invoked UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338;
called for the establishment of an independent Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital; and
called for a just settlement to the Palestinian refugee problem in terms of UN General Assembly Resolution 194.
I will address those points now that are part of the Arab Peace Initiative.
Peace for land seems to me a very sensible solution. The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine has occurred because land was taken from the Palestinian people. When any of us have our property stolen, we usually try to get it back. So much is dependent upon land, because it is what we build our homes on, it is where we grow our crops, it is how we feed ourselves, it is our refuge and, when it is stolen, most people fight back, as have the Palestinians.
Handing back the land to the Palestinians based on the pre-1967 borders might seem tough for Israel but it was not their land for the taking, nor has been the land on which the Israeli settlements have encroached since 1967, nor has been the land appropriated by building the separation wall inside the Green Line—that is, the pre-1967 borders which have been agreed to in numerous UN motions.
UN Security Council Resolution 338 was passed in October 1973 in the context of the Yom Kippur War, calling for a ceasefire and, again, the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 224, which I have already discussed. It decided that negotiations would start immediately to establish a just and lasting peace in the Middle East. That, I remind members, was 1973.
The issue of East Jerusalem as the capital of an independent Palestine is one that has been hotly contested over the years. The original UN Partition Plan envisaged that Jerusalem would be part of a UN protectorate to resolve the disputes about ownership. But to me, it seems that if Palestine gets the east section, then Israel gets the north, south and west, and that seems to be a reasonably fair division of land.
Solving the refugee problem, as it is called, is the final basis of the Arab Peace Initiative. Once again, the UN (which I remind you is responsible for the creation of Israel in the first place) is invoked. This time it is in terms of General Assembly Resolution 194, passed in November 1948, with particular reference to clause 11. Clause 11 reads:
The General Assembly, having considered further the situation in Palestine...
11. Resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or inequity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible;
Instructs the Conciliation Commission to facilitate the repatriation, resettlement and economic and social rehabilitation of the refugees and the payment of compensation, and to maintain close relations with the Director of the United Nations Relief for Palestine Refugees and, through him, with the appropriate organs and agencies of the United Nations;
It is a point of great contention to the Palestinians that their exiled countrymen are not allowed to return to their own lands. At the same time as this return is prevented by Israel, anyone of the Jewish faith or culture is granted permanent residency and/or citizenship if they so desire. Not only is it permitted; it is encouraged. This increasing population—from people in places like Russia and the Sudan who have no emotional connection to this particular piece of land—is, in turn, creating more illegal settlements on Palestinian land.
Australia has a unique historical connection to Palestine that should give all of us reason to support this motion. Australian soldiers fought and died to liberate the Arabs from the yoke of the Ottoman empire during World War I, and their names are etched on thousands of stones in Palestine and numerous war memorials here in Australia—35 Australians were killed in the battle of Beersheba. I quote Sonja Karkar from Women for Palestine, about that special relationship:
During World War II, Palestine was under a British mandate and Australian and New Zealand soldiers were back helping the British army to stop the Germans from reaching Jerusalem. They fought alongside several Palestinian brigades enlisted into the British army under the Palestine regiment. That decisive offensive took place in 1942 at El Alamein, Egypt, the first allied land victory of the war.
Tragically, more than 2,000 ANZACs from both campaigns would never see Australia or New Zealand again. Over 600 lie in unknown graves with Muslim and Christian Arabs who also died trying to defeat the German Army. Other ANZACs are buried in war cemeteries throughout Palestine, two of which can be found in Gaza—one beautifully cared for in the Palestinian town of Deir El-Balah, and the other in Gaza City. The Beersheba Commonwealth War Cemetery has graves of some 175 Australian soldiers and lies on the edge of today's sprawling commercial city that Israel has renamed Be'er Sheva. Our soldiers knew it as Beersheba with a largely Palestinian population.
One of the reasons that I have moved this motion is that on 12 March of this year the federal government moved a motion in both the House of Representatives and the Senate congratulating Israel on this impending anniversary, but it did not acknowledge the impact that this has had on the people of Palestine.
A short time ago, on a website called the American Friends Service Committee, I discovered what I thought was a wonderful quote about the continuing tensions between Israel and Palestine. It states:
We recognise that behind rhetoric, posturing and blame lies mortal fear on both sides that the essentials to living in dignity and fullness will be denied.
We have to acknowledge and address that fear because it is real, and until it is addressed I fear that tensions in the Middle East will go on simmering, with an occasional eruption. The toll over the last 60 years has been immense, and it is time that all those peace plans and resolutions were actually implemented rather than merely talked about.
Debate adjourned on motion of Hon. I.K. Hunter.