Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Matters of Interest
Parliamentary Procedure
Ethnic Community Radio
The Hon. J.S. LEE (16:37): I move:
That this council—
1. Congratulates Ethnic Broadcasters Incorporated and 5EBI 103.1FM radio station for reaching the special milestone of its 50th anniversary in 2025;
2. Acknowledges the founding members, current and past chairpersons, board members, station management, staff, sponsors and volunteers of 5EBI 103.1FM for their dedication and contribution to serving the multicultural community in South Australia;
3. Recognises that Ethnic Broadcasters was established with five ethnic groups, including Italian, Dutch, Polish, Ukrainian and Greek, and that 5EBI 103.1FM has grown to be Adelaide's premier multicultural community radio station and South Australia's only ethnic community radio station dedicated to giving a voice to non-English-speaking language groups and nationalities since the 1970s;
4. Notes that 5EBI 103.1FM will be hosting their 50th anniversary celebration on Sunday 9 March 2025 to celebrate 50 years of outstanding community service and to highlight their significant contributions and achievements; and
5. Commends 5EBI 103.1FM for celebrating diversity and fostering community engagement by working with over 40 multicultural language groups to broadcast a wide variety of international music, world news and current affairs programs to listeners across South Australia.
It is a great honour to move this motion to congratulate 5EBI 103.1FM radio station and Ethnic Broadcasters Incorporated on reaching the special milestone of their 50th anniversary in 2025, marking five decades of championing diversity, inclusivity and community engagement.
Located in the heart of Adelaide, 5EBI is South Australia's premier multicultural radio station. I have had the pleasure of visiting the radio station on a number of occasions. I always have the pleasure of meeting so many different broadcasters and community volunteers there and I want to acknowledge them. They broadcast a variety of international music, world news, current affairs programs and more in dozens of languages, catering to South Australia's rich and diverse multicultural community. 5EBI is South Australia's only ethnic community radio station dedicated to giving a voice to non-English-speaking language groups and nationalities since the 1970s.
As a first-generation migrant I know full well the significant role ethnic radio stations play in the wellbeing and functioning of migrant communities. When I first arrived in Australia in 1979 with my family, who could not speak much English, I witnessed how hearing familiar voices and languages on air helps migrants connect with each other and share information. We should never underestimate the health benefits and entertainment values of music and songs in languages on radio, songs that bring joy, memories and stories and help to improve the wellbeing and sense of belonging in our migrant communities.
I want to begin by acknowledging and thanking the strong leadership team at 5EBI, including the founding members and past chairpersons and board members, for their amazing contributions over the years. I especially acknowledge the life members of 5EBI, who have been instrumental in the establishment and continued operation of 5EBI. Two members are well known to the parliament of South Australia and to many honourable members: the Hon. Julian Stefani AM and the Hon. Chris Sumner AM. The other life members include Gerry Paulus, Dieter Fabig OAM and Kym Green.
The current board is made up of a diverse and experienced group of individuals who are passionate not only about their own communities but also in supporting all multicultural communities and helping them to grow and expand. Thank you sincerely to the current board members: Dieter Fabig OAM, chairperson; Bogdan Wiencierz, vice-chairperson; Sigrid Brown, treasurer; Margaret Legedza, secretary; Narayana Rai, assistant secretary and treasurer; Peter Ppiros; Qasi Sharmin Sultana; and, John Thorton.
I especially highlight the longstanding contribution of Dieter Fabig. Although he has been the chairperson since 2023, his history and legacy with 5EBI goes back over 40 years, in which he has come to be known as the German voice on 5EBI radio. Since arriving in 1968, Dieter has greatly contributed to the German community, becoming the youngest ever president of the German Club, as well as founding member of the German Aged Care, in which he also served as its chairperson.
In 1981, Dieter began volunteering at 5EBI, presenting on German Voice, one of the earliest German language programs on radio in Australia. In 2005, Dieter became the president of German Voice. Although Dieter has climbed the ranks as a board member of 5EBI, he is still playing an active role as a radio presenter, working with the German language programs, as well as presenter on Morning Music Vitamins, a two-hour morning show held on weekdays presenting a wide selection of international music. In 1989, Dieter was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia for his outstanding service to the German community and multiculturalism. Thank you to Dieter for his amazing leadership, outstanding service and contribution to German radio as well as to the multicultural community.
As I mentioned earlier, 5EBI has been dedicated to serving our multicultural community since the 1970s. During this period ethnic broadcasting started as an experiment at Adelaide University's in-house radio station 5UV, which was also Australia's very first community radio station. Paul Kokke, 5EBI life member, said the radio program was originally set up to support migrants in their transition to Australian life, while also helping them to preserve their identity. People felt that radio was an opportunity to maintain their culture and language. This would lead to the establishment of Ethnic Broadcasters in 1975, beginning with five community groups from the Italian, Dutch, Polish, Ukrainian and Greek communities.
On Monday 3 March 1975, the very first broadcast of the Italian program Radio Paesani marked the start of ethnic broadcasting. In the last parliamentary sitting week, I spoke about the 50th anniversary of Radio Italiana, so that is the connection there—starting with Radio Paesani. Then of course it would be followed by the Dutch family program on Wednesday 5 March, and I want to quickly give a shout-out to the Hon. Michelle Lensink's family, who have also been greatly involved with the Dutch radio program on 5EBI.
Shortly afterwards the Ukrainian, Polish and Greek communities started their programs and have continued until this day. In just a few short years Ethnic Broadcasters would expand to include 26 community groups, all broadcasting out of the facilities at 5UV. With the group of Ethnic Broadcasters rapidly growing, there was a need for the radio station to finally go independent. This would lead to the application for an FM broadcast licence.
On 6 October 1978, 5EBI was granted the first ethnic public broadcasting licence in Australia. What a proud moment on the FM band. The Advertiser of 4 September 1978 reported that Ethnic Broadcasters Inc. had 'the initiative, energy and imagination' to make a bid for the two available FM licences. Until this day, the initiative, energy and imagination has never ceased.
On 6 January 1980, 5EBI made its FM debut on 102.3. The station's official launch would be on 2 February, with approximately 200,000 people tuning in. Over the years, 5EBI would continue to grow with more groups and languages being added and expanding across three state-of-the-art studios. At its peak, the 5EBI family was drawn from about 47 language communities and had approximately 500 volunteers. Each broadcasting language has its own radio committee, consisting of a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and members.
5EBI was nation-leading again when, in 1984, in collaboration with 4EB in Brisbane, they helped establish a National Ethnic and Multicultural Broadcasters' Council (NEMBC). Luigi Penna, the vice-chairman of 5EBI at the time, was one of the first vice-presidents of NEMBC. Today, 5EBI can be heard not only on our radios but also on digital audio broadcast, online live and on-demand streaming on their website and the 5EBI app, which was newly launched in September 2024. I think it is fair to say that adopting modern communication technology certainly helped to build relevance and connections between different generations of migrant communities in South Australia.
With such a long history and legacy and many remarkable achievements, it was wonderful to see so many communities coming together to celebrate the 5EBI 50th anniversary on Sunday 9 March 2025, which I had the honour and privilege to attend. It was a fantastic gathering that highlighted so many of the remarkable stories shared over five decades of service to our rich and diverse multicultural communities.
During the celebrations I was able to learn more about some of the hardworking staff and volunteers at 5EBI. Pattie Todorovic, the station's general manager, has been doing a fantastic job. Although she has only been there less than a year, her dedication has already made an impact at 5EBI. Pattie was also instrumental in working with the volunteers of the events committee to organise the fabulous 50th anniversary celebration.
I would also like to give particular mention to a great friend, Mr Kym Green, who is a life member and a very long serving station manager, who aptly steered the station through the turbulent waters of the COVID-19 pandemic. I worked really closely with Kym Green during the pandemic in the former government, because there were so many information needs to be shared, and the best way to do it is via more than 40 languages across a radio station. So I want to thank every one of those volunteers who helped greatly to safeguard the health and safety of South Australia during that time. Kym has spent his entire working life, spanning four decades, in the media and he continues to have a strong presence at 5EBI.
As I reflect on the history and legacy of 5EBI, we are reminded of the power of community and developing an intercultural society that can come together to share traditions, language and heritage. As president Dieter Fabig so eloquently stated, 5EBI 'provide an important bridge between the countries we came from and Australia, our home'. It is remarkable what strong leadership, good work ethic and community spirit can achieve. I look forward to continuing to work closely with 5EBI and wish them a heartfelt congratulations once again on 50 years of outstanding service to our vibrant multicultural community in South Australia. With those words, I commend the motion.
Debate adjourned on motion of Hon. I.K. Hunter.