Legislative Council: Wednesday, March 19, 2025


Question Time

Drought Assistance

The Hon. H.M. GIROLAMO (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (14:19): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Minister for Primary Industries questions on the topic of drought.

Leave granted.

The Hon. H.M. GIROLAMO: During a press conference on Monday when asked about whether the government is willing to spend more money to support our South Australian farmers the Premier of this state replied:

Look, we, we…Um, it's an important question. So obviously we have an $18 million drought assistance package that we announced at the end of last year. We acknowledge there is a real need in the community, and the drought is significant.

Ah, of course, the thing we want more than anything is for the whole state to have a really big drink but we can't…depend on that and I think the government does have to turn its mind to what other [supports can be provided] and I have made clear that we will be turning our mind to that in the context of this year's budget.

My questions to the minister are:

1. Are the Premier's comments an admission that the state Labor government is dragging its heels and have no intention of helping South Australian farmers until it's too late?

2. Can the minister explain to farmers why waiting until the budget process to provide our farmers with further drought funding measures is a good idea?

3. Can the minister confirm that she has spoken to the farming community and that they support the Labor government's decision to sit on its hands and wait a further three months for relief?

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Minister for Forest Industries) (14:20): I thank the honourable member for her question, even though it contains a number of mischaracterisations. An $18 million package was announced in November last year that included a number of different streams. That funding has not yet been exhausted. To my knowledge, none of the streams of funding assistance have closed. So those farmers who are going through incredibly difficult times at the moment are still able to apply for the various funding streams.

They include a $5 million fund for on-farm water infrastructure. They include support for transport subsidies, for donated fodder. It includes additional assistance to bodies such as Rural Business Support and also for Family and Business Mentors. Agriculture is worth $18½ billion dollars to our state every year. The importance of the farming community—the individual farmers and families and communities around them—as well as the economic impact is absolutely significant to South Australia. It's absolutely key and important in terms of our state's future direction. We value our farmers.

I speak regularly to all of our farming peak bodies. I have spoken just in the last week, of course, with Livestock SA, with Grain Producers SA, and with Primary Producers SA. I meet and speak regularly with various councils and with individual farmers. I think it is absolutely key and clear that this government is supporting our farming community. We will continue to give further consideration to what else is required and, as the Premier said, it is something that we continue to look at and assess.