Legislative Council: Wednesday, March 05, 2025



The Hon. M. EL DANNAWI (15:45): On Saturday 1 March, millions of Muslims around the world commenced the holiest period of the year, Ramadan. I want to convey my good wishes to the South Australian Muslim community on the advent of this blessed month.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar and holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims worldwide. It is one of the most sacred times for us. It is a time of spiritual reflection, self-discipline and heightened family and community connection. For Muslims, the month is also a time of charity, good deeds and worship. It is a time for increased devotion to prayer and reflection, with the aim of deepening our connection to faith.

Fasting in Islam, known as sawm or siyam, is a practice of abstaining from food and drink, or anything that substitutes for food and drink. For those Muslims who are fit, healthy and able to do so, fasting is from dawn until sunset. A predawn meal, known as suhoor, provides nourishment for the day ahead. No food or water should be consumed until the breaking of the fast, or iftar, at dusk, which consists of a meal shared with loved ones. It is typical to break one's fast with dates and water or milk, followed by a meal. It is also common to spend time with friends and family after iftar, enjoying one another's company and eating delicious foods together before the next day's fast.

If you have never experienced Ramadan or seen how it is celebrated by communities, then it may sound strange when I say this period of fasting is one of our favourite times of the year. Anyone who has come to my office recently and seen my Ramadan decorations will know this. Despite the difficulties of fasting, Ramadan is a very special time that many look forward to, including myself. The shared experience of fasting and of gathering for iftar strengthens bonds of friendship and solidarity within Muslim communities, fostering a sense of unity and support. This is why you will find many of our Muslim communities have arranged iftar dinners for their communities, and I am sure some of you would have received an invite to join them.

In Australia the Muslim community comes together to celebrate Ramadan in a variety of ways. Mosques become bustling centres of activity, hosting nightly Taraweeh prayers and providing spiritual guidance to the faithful. Families gather at home or in community centres for iftar, eagerly awaiting the call to prayer to break their fast.

Ramadan in Australia is not limited to the Muslim community alone. Non-Muslim Australians often join their Muslim friends and neighbours for iftar, fostering a sense of unity and understanding. This inclusivity is a testament to the multicultural fabric of Australian society.

Fasting during Ramadan is not only about abstaining from food and drink, it is a practice in self-discipline, empathy and compassion. It is a time to think of the poor, sick and suffering and to express solidarity with them. By experiencing hunger and thirst, Muslims gain a deeper appreciation for the blessings of food and a duty to help those less fortunate.

Zakat, which is a giving to charity, is an important part of Ramadan. I also take this moment to acknowledge that, for many Muslim new arrivals to South Australia, Ramadan may seem a little different this year for you, especially if you are from a country where celebrating Ramadan is the norm. In many Muslim countries the celebration of Ramadan touches all members of society. Every morning of Ramadan the musaharati, which is a traditional neighbourhood drummer, will walk the streets before dawn playing the drum and calling everyone to wake up for the morning meal before fasting.

Neighbours in apartment buildings will take turns hosting iftar, and schools may change their schedules to better accommodate fasting students and staff. Having your first Ramadan away from that world and being away from immediate or extended family can feel alienating. I encourage you to take this opportunity to reach out to your community and to share your culture. No-one should feel isolated during this blessed month.

Finally, to all the Muslims around the world, but particularly in Palestine, I wish you a peaceful month. It was heartwarming to see a table stretching several hundred metres, carving a path through mounds of rubble in southern Gaza, as families gathered to break their fast during the first day of Ramadan as an example of strength and resilience. Ramadan Mubarak.