Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Matters of Interest
Security Guards
The Hon. B.R. HOOD (14:47): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking questions of the Attorney-General regarding security guards.
Leave granted.
The Hon. B.R. HOOD: Following the increasing incidence of crime in shopping centres over the past year, the SDA union has called on the government for a review into security guard agreements. It comes after incidents threatening public safety at Marion, Arndale, Elizabeth, Tea Tree Plaza and West Lakes over the last year. Despite the government not reaching a decision for a review, a government spokesperson noted that shopping centre safety is a priority for the government.
The SDA secretary, Josh Peak, revealed his concerns about public safety are now being echoed by community members. He claims that security guards do not have appropriate power to take effective action to intervene during these incidents. The union is seeking an urgent review into security rules and powers and is calling for a security boost in all major retail complexes. My questions to the Attorney-General are:
1. It is the understanding of the opposition that the police commissioner this morning ruled out a review. What are the government's plans to address the concerns of the SDA and its membership?
2. Can the Attorney advise the chamber what powers security guards currently hold to intervene during serious incidents?
3. Does the Attorney have concerns about the Malinauskas government's approach to law and order not being effective?
The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector, Special Minister of State) (14:48): I might answer the last bit first. I am very pleased to be able to repeat the very significant difference between the Hon. Ben Hood's party's time in government and the Malinauskas Labor government's time in government.
The Hon. Ben Hood's party, when in government, slashed tens of millions of dollars from the police budget: the Labor Malinauskas government in power increased the police budget by tens of millions of dollars. So I do acknowledge there is a very stark difference in approaches that the Liberal and Labor parties have taken in government. The Liberals slash and burn, reduce community safety: Labor is investing to help increase community safety. So I acknowledge that there is a stark difference, one which many members of the public would be very disappointed in the Liberal Party about.
In relation to retail worker safety, there have been a number of things that have been done to increase the safety of retail workers. In terms of young people working in retail settings we have, of course, led by the Hon. Connie Bonaros, passed legislation to make sure that serious child sex offenders don't work with children in a retail setting. In relation to retail workers being protected from assaults, it was this government that increased the penalties and classed retail workers as frontline workers for the purpose of aggravated assault laws.
We have announced, and we are consulting on, workplace protection laws so that barring orders can be in place for those who pose a danger, and we have introduced—and it is finding its way through this parliament this week—the toughest knife crime laws in Australia. So I do acknowledge that there is a stark difference between the Liberal and the Labor parties on community safety, but it is not one that is favourable to the Liberal Party.