Legislative Council: Tuesday, March 04, 2025


Homophobia in Australian Rules Football

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (15:18): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before addressing a question to the Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing on the topic of homophobia in Australian Rules football.

Leave granted.

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS: In recent weeks, there has been online a Facebook group called the 'Hate Rainbow Crows Group' or something similarly titled. That group has attacked the Rainbow Crows publicly and so far has been found to 'not have violated Facebook's standards'. However, the statements made have been hate filled, venomous, homophobic and divisive. I understand and commend the leadership within the Crows itself for attempting to stamp out this sort of behaviour. My question to the minister is:

1. What can be done to address homophobia and transphobia in Australian Rules?

2. What other supports will the government give those who are under these vile attacks?

The Hon. E.S. BOURKE (Minister for Emergency Services and Correctional Services, Minister for Autism, Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing) (15:19): I thank the member for her question. Sport is meant to be a place where anyone can belong and be a part of, whether on the field or off the field. This is something we need to talk about as a community. I will reach out to the Crows to have a better understanding of the actions they will take and how they have worked with social media outlets to ensure that these comments cannot spread further. This is meant to be a safe space for people. Everyone has the right to participate and there is no space in our community for hatred against someone for their sexuality. I am thankful the honourable member has brought this to my attention and I will reach out to the Crows to get a further understanding of their situation.