Legislative Council: Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Administration of Grants

The Hon. N.J. CENTOFANTI (Leader of the Opposition) (14:28): I seek leave to make a brief explanation prior to addressing a question to the Attorney-General regarding ICAC reporting.

Leave granted.

The Hon. N.J. CENTOFANTI: An ICAC report entitled 'Evaluation of grants administration' found that an administrative error resulted in a $1 million grant being awarded to a company which had not entered a grant application. Our understanding is that the company had to submit a grant application retrospectively. My questions to the Attorney-General are:

1. When was the Attorney-General made aware of this significant so-called administrative error?

2. Is the Attorney-General aware of any other administrative errors in the awarding of grants since his government has come to office?

3. Will the government commit to auditing all recently awarded grants for any other so-called administrative errors?

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector) (14:29): I'm happy to answer this very simply. I made a pretty extensive ministerial statement about this yesterday, and I refer the honourable member to that.

Members interjecting:

The PRESIDENT: This is question time, not conversation time.