Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Committees
Answers to Questions
Parliamentary Executive Salary Increases
The Hon. C. BONAROS (15:21): I seek leave to ask a question of you regarding questions.
Leave granted.
The Hon. C. BONAROS: Mr President, on 19 March I asked you a question regarding processes for remuneration determinations as follows:
1. Can you outline for the benefit of all members in this chamber how that decision was made and by whom in each respective chamber?
2. Can you indicate what role, if any at all, the JPSC had in those determinations?
3. Do you consider it appropriate for this chamber to find out about the pay increases months after the fact and only as a result of the tabling of the Auditor-General's report and despite there being reporting mechanisms available to presiding officers for such reporting?
4. Will you and your counterpart, the Speaker, now be reporting to members of this place on the process undertaken in respect of this matter, including details of any reviews and the decisions that those determinations were based on?
At the time, you indicated to me, Mr President, that I hadn't followed the convention of prior notice, and the question was taken on notice. It is now 4 June, well beyond the 30-day time frame government gives itself to respond to questions, and my question to you is: are you now in a position to provide a response to this chamber, or when can this chamber expect a response to those four issues outlined?
The PRESIDENT (15:23): Thanks for your question. Again, you have failed to follow the convention of informing my office that there is going to be a question to the President. However, I do believe that we may have an answer prepared and I will endeavour to deliver that this week.