Legislative Council: Thursday, May 02, 2024


First Nations Voice To Parliament

The Hon. L.A. HENDERSON (15:12): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking a question of the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs regarding the state First Nations Voice to Parliament.

Leave granted.

The Hon. L.A. HENDERSON: On Tuesday 9 April 2024, in response to a question as to whether the minister had cast a vote for the state First Nations Voice to Parliament, the minister said that he had not done so due to being the minister responsible. My question to the minister is: did the minister decide not to vote for the state First Nations Voice to Parliament based on advice and, if so, can the minister outline what the advice was and whom it was given by?

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector) (15:12): I thank the honourable member for her question. I have had a number of discussions with a range of people about the operations of the Voice and general protocols in terms of democratic institutions. As I have said, my advice was that in state elections, by convention, the Governor does not vote, and I made the decision, as the person who is responsible for the administration of the legislation and ultimately that act, that I would not vote in these elections. As I have said in response to the question before, I very much look forward to my participation in the First Nations Voice voting in years to come when I am not the minister responsible.