Question Time
Personal Explanation
Citizen's Right of Reply
Ceylon Tamil Association of South Australia
Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. J.S. Lee:
That this council—
1. Congratulates Ceylon Tamil Association of South Australia (CTA-SA) for achieving a special milestone of 40th anniversary in 2023;
2. Recognises that the CTA-SA is one of the oldest culturally and linguistically diverse community organisations in Adelaide and is a leading community organisation that serves migrants and refugees from the Sri Lankan and Tamil community of South Australia; and
3. Acknowledges the important work of founding members, current and past presidents, committee members and volunteers of CTA-SA, and thanks them for their hard work, dedication and contributions in preserving the Tamil language and culture by delivering 40 years of outstanding community service in South Australia.
(Continued from 7 February 2024.)
The Hon. T.T. NGO (17:09): I rise to speak on the Hon. Jing Lee's motion and express the government's position of support for this motion. South Australia's Ceylon Tamil migrants have made significant contributions to our community in many different ways. They have contributed to the economy through businesses that promote employment and enrich South Australia's cultural fabric.
The Ceylon Tamil South Australians are active, often hosting events to share their traditions and culture with the wider community and providing opportunities for various social activities. All of this plays an integral part in helping to maintain the social and emotional wellbeing of newly arrived migrants. While these new migrants find their feet in a new country with a new language, the Ceylon Tamil Association does an amazing job in helping them find rental accommodation and source furniture.
The Labor Malinauskas government recognises the valuable impact the association has had on the lives of our newly arrived Tamil migrants. We are pleased to have recently provided a Multicultural Expand Together Grant to the Ceylon Tamil Association. This will allow the association to continue to make a difference to the challenges and diverse needs of individuals as they settle in a new country, often without the support of family and friends. A team of dedicated volunteers carry out the work needing to be done.
Apart from providing practical help to members and newly arrived migrants setting up a home, the association is also contributing to the language school movement in our state. It is pleasing to know that the Ceylon Tamil Community Language school has been supported by Labor's new $4Â million funding commitment aimed at keeping our community languages alive. This is $1 million of extra funding every year for the next four years. This additional funding is due to the commitment from our Minister for Multicultural Affairs, the Hon. Zoe Bettison MP. I thank her for her work in facilitating and campaigning for this extra funding to ensure our community languages are passed on from one generation to the next.
The Tamil language has a rich tradition of ancient texts dating back thousands of years. It is a language known for its poetic elements and complex grammar, so it is a great thing for our South Australian community that the association is able to continue passing on Tamil literature and language to our younger generations.
The Ceylon Tamil Association would not function without its numerous dedicated volunteers who support in a variety of ways our Ceylon Tamil community as well as the wider community. The work they do is really improving lives and I thank them all for making a difference. The South Australian wider community is certainly richer because of all they do.
The Hon. J.S. LEE (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (17:14): I would like to thank the Hon. Tung Ngo for his contribution towards recognising the Ceylon Tamil Association on their special anniversary of 40 years. I commend the motion.
Motion carried.