Question Time
Personal Explanation
Citizen's Right of Reply
Co.As.It. (SA)
Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. J.S. Lee:
That this council–
1. Congratulates Co.As.It. (SA) for its important support services to the aged Italian community and for achieving a special milestone of its 20th anniversary in 2023;
2. Recognises that Co.As.It. (SA) is a leading provider of social community welfare and aged-care support for ageing Italian Australians in South Australia, and that their valuable services, advocacy and programs help seniors to live a fulfilling life; and
3. Acknowledges the important work of founding members, current and past presidents, committee members, professionals and volunteers of Co.As.It. (SA) and thanks them for their outstanding hard work over the past 20 years for delivering culturally and linguistically appropriate services by applying a quality of life framework to look after the vulnerable ageing Italo-Australian community in South Australia.
(Continued from 7 February 2024.)
The Hon. N.J. CENTOFANTI (Leader of the Opposition) (17:04): I rise today in support of my honourable colleague's motion on Co.As.It. (SA). I am proud to speak today in celebration of the 20th anniversary of Co.As.It. (SA). Two decades of dedicated service, compassion and community support have transformed Co.As.It. into an invaluable institution that has left an indelible mark on the lives of many.
Today, as we reflect on those humble beginnings of postwar Italian migrants who came to Adelaide, we acknowledge the strength and resilience of the migrant founders who laid the foundation for what would become an enduring symbol of care and compassion towards family and community.
Over the years, Co.As.It. has evolved to meet the changing needs of the community it serves. The focus is towards elderly care and welfare services, recognising the importance of supporting the ageing first and the second-generation Italian migrant population. It is a testament to Co.As.It.'s commitment to adapting and growing to provide crucial services to those who need them the most and this is always done in a culturally and linguistically appropriate way.
One of the hallmarks of Co.As.It.'s success is its dedication to holistic wellbeing. In addition to essential care services, Co.As.It. has developed a range of social programs tailored to the needs of Italian seniors. These programs encompass physical and mental wellbeing, fostering a sense of community and social connection that is invaluable in combating the isolation that can sometimes accompany ageing.
None of this would be possible without the incredible support from the community and the countless volunteers who have dedicated their time and efforts to Co.As.It.'s mission. It is heartening to witness the power of unity and shared purpose as people from diverse backgrounds come together to make a positive impact on the lives of others.
As we celebrate this 20th anniversary, let us not only reflect on the past but also look to the future with both optimism and determination. Co.As.It.'s journey is far from over and with the continued support of the Italian and extended community it will undoubtedly go on to achieve even greater heights in the years to come.
Congratulations to Co.As.It. (SA) on 20 years of unwavering commitment and service and may the next chapter be as inspiring and impactful as the ones that have come before. I commend the motion to the chamber.
The Hon. J.S. LEE (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (17:07): I would like to thank the Hon. Dr Nicola Centofanti for her wonderful contribution. As we know, along with Dr Centofanti's name, she also has a proud Italian heritage through marriage, and I am really grateful that she has made a personal recognition of this particular motion to congratulate Co.As.It. on its 20th anniversary.
Earlier this afternoon, I received a personal message from Franca Antonello OAM. She mentioned in her email to me that on Wednesday she was invited to lunch at Parliament House by the Hon. Mario Feleppa to thank her for her involvement in establishing Co.As.It. The Hon. Mario Feleppa gave her my speech from Hansard from 6 February, and in her email she wrote:
Jing…[he] pointed out your excellent acknowledgment to Parliament re services provided by Co.As.It….I value the support you give to the Italian community and to multiculturalism.
You are bella e bravissima.
[With best wishes]
Franca Antonello OAM JP
It is really important that we are able to use this opportunity to recognise the great work of community organisations like Co.As.It. With those remarks, I thank again the honourable members for their support and commend the motion.
Motion carried.