Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
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Ministerial Statement
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Bordertown Water Supply
In reply to the Hon. B.R. HOOD ().2 November 2023).
The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Minister for Forest Industries): The Minister for Climate, Environment and Water has advised:
1. Subject to appropriate approvals, SA Water intends to install two new surface tanks (or possibly a one tank solution) and pump station in the town, at the industrial estate. It will include the pipeline infrastructure (utilising existing and new pipelines), electrical, communications and digital monitoring infrastructure to support these new works.
Funding has been requested in SA Water's Regulatory Determination 2024-28 (RD24) for investigative bore monitoring infrastructure to better understand the complex interwork of the freshwater lens and saline aquifers at the water source borefield. The planning and investigations will be critical to correctly determine the required solutions for the medium to longer term water security for Bordertown.
2. Initial high-level investigations were previously undertaken as part of the routine SA Water master planning process for an option to supply Bordertown from Keith, (from Tailem Bend—Keith Pipeline). This will require approximately 45km of 300mm watermain in addition to a booster pumping station. This option along with others will be investigated and considered in future regulatory periods.