Legislative Council: Tuesday, November 28, 2023


Premier's Excellence Awards for the Public Sector

The Hon. T.T. NGO (15:36): My question is to the Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector. Can the minister update the council on the opening of nominations for the Premier's Excellence Awards for the public sector?

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector) (15:37): Bravo. I thank the honourable member for his important question and his interest in this area. Certainly, the yearly Premier's Excellence Awards for the public sector are a major feature on our calendar in recognising the crucial role and the very important work members of the public sector do in South Australia. I am looking forward in the future to updating the chamber on those members of the public sector who have gone above and beyond and excelled in providing service for the people of South Australia.

These awards acknowledge individuals and teams across the South Australian public sector who deliver exceptional outcomes for the South Australian community while living up to public sector values. The awards send a message that we value and appreciate the very hard work, dedication and commitment that goes into the Public Service and rewards those who have demonstrated outstanding performance and service to the community. They are run with the generous support from the Commissioner for Public Sector Employment, who is responsible for coordinating these awards.

Nominations opened on 13 November and close on 8 December this year. Our public sector leaders, including chief executives, agency heads and senior human resources leaders and directors, identify and nominate employees within their agencies. These awards are being provided in six new categories. Category 1 is Excellence in Service Delivery, awarded for exemplary service to South Australian individuals and teams whose programs, service or initiatives have had far-reaching positive impact. There is the category of Driving Innovation, awarded for a demonstrated commitment and support for new ideas or experimentation, or for finding new ways to solve problems and deliver for South Australia and its future prosperity.

There is also the category of Building South Australia's Economy, awarded for projects or initiatives that generate a significant positive impact on the South Australian economy, generating job creation and economic diversification. Also, a category in Leadership and Diversity, Equality and Inclusion is awarded for a project or initiative contributing to building a public sector where everyone belongs and is valued; and a category of Connected Communities is awarded for work that has made a positive impact on communities around South Australia, including grassroots or established community initiatives that demonstrate a genuine involvement and offer long-term value to add to the life of their community.

There is a new category of Emerging Young Talent awarded to an individual under the age of 30 who has demonstrated excellence, passionate commitment and action towards making a positive difference to the lives of South Australians. Following close of nominations on 8 December, they will be evaluated before the announcement at the end of January of the winners of these awards. The Premier's Excellence Awards will be delivered at a ceremony in the first quarter of next year and I look forward to letting the council know about the outstanding work of the winners of these awards when they have been announced.