Legislative Council: Tuesday, July 05, 2022


Answers to Questions

Women's and Children's Hospital

In reply to the Hon. C. BONAROS (4 May 2022).

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Attorney-General, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector): The Minister for Health and Wellbeing has been advised:

Progress has now been made to implement the recommendations of the review that was undertaken in relation to paediatric cardiac services in South Australia, including:

The establishment and successful trial of the model of care for extracorporeal life support (ECLS) service.

Employment of the additional skilled workforce, including cardiac surgeons and perfusionists for the ECLS service.

Access to the instrumentation and equipment for ECLS procedures.

Appointment of an ECLS nurse coordinator, to manage the service with engagement from key stakeholders.

The draft MOU with Royal Children’s Hospital (Melbourne) and Westmead Children’s Hospital (Sydney) is in progress.

In addition, a commitment the Malinauskas Labor government has made, is investing $1 million over four years to HeartKids to establish:

A specialised early intervention program for kids with congenital heart disease (CHD).

A targeted mental health program for families affected by CHD.

A regional support program, improving access to CHD services in rural and remote areas.

For more than two years the former Liberal government rejected HeartKids’ pleas for support, leaving them struggling to meet growing demand.