Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Personal Explanation
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Address in Reply
Parliamentary Committees
Answers to Questions
Parliamentary Procedure
The following papers were laid on the table:
By the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation (Hon. K.J. Maher)—
Fee Notices under Acts—
Controlled Substance Act 1984—Pesticides
Food Act 2001
Landscape South Australia Act 2019
Liquor Licensing Act 1997 No. 2
Retirement Villages Act 2016
SACE Board of South Australia Act 1983
South Australian Public Health Act 2011
South Australian Skills Act 2008
Tobacco and E-Cigarette Product Act 1997
Notices under Acts—
Emergency Services Funding Act 1998—
Declaration for Vehicles and Vessels
Declaration of Levy and Area and Land use Factors
Regulations under Acts—
Emergency Services Funding Act 1998—Remissions-Land—Miscellaneous
Termination of Pregnancy Act 2021—General
By the Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector (Hon. K.J. Maher)—
Regulations under Acts—
Work Health and Safety Act 2012—Prescription of Fee
By the Attorney-General (Hon. K.J. Maher) on behalf of the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development (Hon. C.M. Scriven)—
Corporation By-laws—Roxby Downs—No. 3—Cats
Fee Notices under Acts—
Cost of Living Concessions Act 1986
Fisheries Management Act 2007 No. 2
Fisheries Management Act 2007—Fishery Licence and Boat and Device Registration Application and Annual Fees No. 2
Regulations under Acts—
Fisheries Management Act 2007—
Blue Crab Fishery—Quota
Lakes and Coorong Fishery—Quota
Marine Scalefish Fishery—Quota
Miscellaneous Fishery—Quota
Miscellaneous Fishery—Quota—No 2
Rock Lobster Fisheries—Quota
Rock Lobster Fisheries—Quota—No 2
Vongole Fishery—Quota
Motor Vehicles Act 1959—Conditional Registration
National Gas (South Australia) Act 2008—Market Transparency
Passenger Transport Act 1994—Vehicle Age Limits
Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016—General—Certificates of Occupancy
Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) Act 2012—Fees and FOI
Management Plan for the South Australian Commercial Gulf St Vincent Prawn Fishery 2022
By the Attorney-General (Hon. K.J. Maher) on behalf of the Minister for Forest Industries (Hon. C.M. Scriven)—
Fee Notices under Acts—
Forestry Act 1950