Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Committees
Answers to Questions
Lymphoedema Compression Garment Subsidy
The Hon. J.S.L. DAWKINS (14:44): My question is directed to the Minister for Health and Wellbeing. Will the minister update the council on support for South Australians living with lymphoedema?
The Hon. S.G. WADE (Minister for Health and Wellbeing) (14:44): I thank the honourable member for this question. Lymphoedema is a chronic condition. Early intervention, good management and access to garments are important elements of support for people living with lymphoedema.
Acknowledging this, I'm pleased to say that the Marshall Liberal government, together with the commonwealth government, has now launched a compression garment subsidy scheme for South Australians. This is the first time such a scheme has been offered to South Australians and is a clear demonstration of this government's commitment to providing better health services. The compression garment subsidy will provide two sets of garments every six months, as clinically advised. These garments will be either custom made or ready-to-wear.
Importantly, the scheme has been developed through the work of Wellbeing SA, together with clinicians and community representatives and those with lived experience. This is vital in ensuring it responds to the needs of consumers and follows the medical advice of our front-line clinicians. The need for this scheme has been recognised by members of this place. In particular, I acknowledge the advocacy of members of the parliament, particularly the Hon. Connie Bonaros, who last May facilitated a round table on this issue that I attended.
This morning, I have written to all members to advise them of the garment subsidy scheme, providing further detail on the operation of the scheme, including its phased introduction. As my letter outlines, the compression garment subsidy will be funded through a $2 million investment by the commonwealth government, supplemented by $2.5 million from the Marshall Liberal government. This scheme is just one of the ways in which this government is investing in community health and wellbeing through the provision of services previously left unfunded.
In closing, I particularly recognise the leadership and tireless advocacy of Monique Bareham from the Lymphoedema Support Group of South Australia. Sadly, another staunch consumer advocate is no longer with us and I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the sad passing of Mrs Pam Moulden. It's people like Monique and Ms Moulden for whom this scheme is really dedicated. The legacy of their advocacy work will live on through the scheme.